Plane landing scene

Two things bother me.

When they start to descend after being intercepted by the fighter jet, the fighter takes off. Why didn't they just descend then climb again?

Also after they land why did Yuri stick around? Even after the guns had all been unloaded.


same here

only "explanation" for the first one is that the fighter stayed close long enough until they had landed. question remains why didnt they take off again after the fighter had left?

second one is also tricky, I think Orlov said there was "nowhere to run", but the two pilots ran away perfectly fine. also what about the villagers at the runway, there must have a village nearby.
i think he stayed so he could have the fancy dialogue with the CIA agent at the runway for the audience.


you do know they are on radar, if they don't land they had the right to take the plane down…Yuri [Nick Cage] knew what he was doing and expected outcome, he knew he wouldn't get caught, best case scenario he would have gotten away because of the people he better to live 'giving up' then die running.

-I Don't Need No Stinkin' Sig


He said there are very few radars in whole Africa + after fighter left they could just continue low altitude flight to avoid *beep* African radars (even if they had some). But I guess fighter saw them landing at least to the point when it was not possible to cancel landing and taking off so quickly from such bad runway would be difficult. As for why he stayed there, agreed, there was no point running away, he knew there won't be any proof.

The best - Fight Club, American Beauty & Falling Down.


The place where the landed was infested with bandits and criminals, who love to kidnap an american and sell them for ransom.

The pilots ran away cause they are idiots. Orlov knew the safest place would be in police custody.

Also he got rid of all the weapons and evidence, so they can't charge him with any crime.


. . . Orlov knew the safest place would be in police custody.

Also he got rid of all the weapons and evidence, so they can't charge him with any crime.

Then how could he have counted on ending up in police custody?

"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."


Regardless of your questions I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I loved this whole scene. From them landing to him getting rid of the evidence the way he did to (the best part) the locals taking the plane apart bit by bit over 24 hours until it was nothing but a heap of steel.

Sir Ian McKellen? That dude must be knee-deep in boob.


Which poses the question, what possible use could African natives have for a landing gear?

Also, how could they remove it from under a 20,000 tone plane without tools in the first place?

We got a job.
What kind?
...The Forever Kind.


There is always a market for scrap metal. In my city a huge metal sculpture was stolen downtown in broad daylight and has not turned up. Its a given that it was melted for scrap by scumbags.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


Makes sense. Thanks. But they still had to jack up the plane and remove the bolts.

We got a job.
What kind?
...The Forever Kind.
