Your Favorite Fighter?
Name your favorite fighter in the game and movie, but if you've only seen the movie you can still post.
Game: Hitomi
Movie: For me it's a tie between Tina and Helena
Cream cheese...
Name your favorite fighter in the game and movie, but if you've only seen the movie you can still post.
Game: Hitomi
Movie: For me it's a tie between Tina and Helena
Cream cheese...
The Sarah Carter sword on steps fight
Especially the kick sword in air, beat up some baddies, pause, hand behind back to catch sword as it falls back to earth - total yum.
Game: Lei-Fang
Movie: Helena. Such an elegant fighter in that movie. Probably the most accurate style of their game counterpart.
Movie: Helena. Such an elegant fighter in that movie. Probably the most accurate style of their game counterpart.