MovieChat Forums > DOA: Dead or Alive (2007) Discussion > breaking a new record in terms of materi...

breaking a new record in terms of material stolen from other movies!!

Cant believe the so many ripoffs from this movie.. it tries so hard to steal ideas from every other classic fighting movie but fails miserably where they succeeded.. Seriously the whole thing looks wayyy too much like Mortal Kombat, a private invitation to a secret tournament on a mysterious island? Come on, worse is that they manage to make it look like some sort of beach party..

The ninja that sticks needles in people's neck is a straight ripoff from kiss of the dragon; The fight in the bamboo forest is copied from Ninja Scroll; Christie and her boyfriend'S plan to steal the lot dangerously reminded me of the movie "The Quest" where Dubbs wanna do the same with the golden dragon... Oh did I forget Helena fighting about 20 guys with katanas? *cough*Kill Bill*cough* ..I guess I could go on for a while coz there are probably more

Couldnt they be at least less hypocrit and stop taking ppl for idiots and try and find their own *beep* material???!!!! It is painfully obvious that they had absolutely no imagination and the whole thing is just a pale pretext to show hot chicks fighting and zoom in on their crotch, boobs and ass..

Anywho, bad, unoriginal, pale imitation, avoid this excuse for a movie like tha plague.. guess u could somewhat enjoy it if u liked the game, otherwise, pure garbage, rated it 1/10 and only because u cant give it a 0...


Mortal Kombat, are you kidding me? Try Enter the Dragon.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


You do know that every movie, book, song, game and so on steals from each other. Almost everything is done. I am not saying this was a good movie, but you should think about what you are using as a reason to blow this movie of as a hoax before you post it.


Dude, I'm not saying if one scene looks like another movie, maybe then it would be acceptable.. but every 5 minutes I was watching it I saw ideas blatently stolen from other fighting movies I saw.. thats just plain lazyness from the producers, anyway I've made my point, u dont have to agree, but u just cant deny the plagia..


What really irks me is that the one scene, my absoluetly favourite scene, that redeemed the movie for me, turned out to be stolen.

Helena is fighting some guy, he does a jumping kick but she grabs a pair of chains, drags herself upward while doing a split. She then grabs and twists the guys arm and proceeds to kick him out cold. Then she hangs and poses from the chains using only one hand. I loved that scene. Then, some days ago, I saw "Naked Weapon"... and there it was, together with other scenes and moves that were stolen. Seriously, that was a total rip-off. The scenes were identical.

"It´s not the dress that makes you look fat, it´s the fat that makes you look fat."


The chain hanging scene stolen from NAKED WEAPON really pissed my off!
Yes, movies steal scenes from each other all the time, but this movie went way to far.

St. Michael the Archangel


Yeh, Kill Bill is the obvious one, where she's killing all the people with the swords. What really annoyed me is that first of all we're supposed to belive she killed all the 25 odd samurai BY HERSELF, but where was the blood?!

The thing she does with her thumb ie. turning it in an upside down is copied from Bruce Lee in one of his movies, but I can't remember which one - maybe Enter the Dragon?



Did you see the Extras on the dvd? There's the director (I think...) sitting there going on and on about how they wanted this film to be "like nothing ever seen before." I about choked on my coffee. Yeaaaaaaaaaaah, that's it... It's the first film we've seen (outside of one of the parody films) that stole everything from somewhere else! I'm pretty sure they even stole the beach party part from one of those bad, Saturday night flicks on Sci-Fi Channel. Now THAT'S pathetic <said in Shao Khan voice>.

"A good lashing with a buggy whip would benefit you immensely." ~ Rhett Butler


The movie was actually pretty good I thought. Don't try to say everything was wasn't. Yes there are a lot of similar scenes to other movies...but not everything...there was actually a decent amount of originality if you dont count the scenes that actualy are taken from other movies. Plus, we all know that it doesn't really matter about originality. Tell me you picked up the DOA movie..knowing what the video game is...with girls on the cover and expected it to be some award winning masterpiece...this movie is VERY good for what it was made for..ENTERTAINMENT :)


"there was actually a decent amount of originality if you dont count the scenes that actualy are taken from other movies."

- Were you actually able to keep a straight face while writing that sentence?

"It´s not the dress that makes you look fat, it´s the fat that makes you look fat."


yeah, but what other movie has an entire fight scene in slow motion, between two hotties, in the rain, in bathing suits? that was pretty awesome


My opionion is that this film was to please a male audience than fans of the game, but i still think it stays close to the game, unlike MANY other games which became movies.
But also, its kinda hard to create a fight scene in a movie which hasnt been done before.


exactly. Especally when the movie was choreographed by Corey Yuen.
He has done a hell of a lot of action films.

I could very much be wrong, and I cant be bothered researching it, but I know Corey has been used for a few Jet Li films.
Perhaps these fight scenes that "he stole" are actually his creation?

I know I saw another fight scene of his in the 80s which had similarities to Tina and Zac's fight.
So its very likely he re-uses his fights (everyone has thier own style they stick to)

He has been around a while so it wouldnt surprise me.

"gee dont take it so personally"


So your saying from now on that everytime someone fights a bunch of people with a katana it is a rip off of Kill Bill? And I assume your saying too that Kill Bill created the concept of someone fighting off alot of people with a sword.



It is painfully obvious that they had absolutely no imagination and the whole thing is just a pale pretext to show hot chicks fighting and zoom in on their crotch, boobs and ass.

Yeah, it is painfully obvious. But if you go into it expecting that, it's good for what it is ;)



and everything is copied, nothing is unique!




there = their



Q. Why does eveeryone on this website have such a massive problem with spelling errors?
A. Because there all a bunch of sad life-less people who deserve to do (especially me!)

And i wouldn't be at all suprised if i was retarded - i seem to be dumb enough (if you ignore my IQ and over supportive relatives - which i do)




I love how everyone accuses things of "ripping off Kill Bill" when Kill Bill rips off (I'm sorry, homages) about a hundred other movies. Is Kill Bill the only martial arts movie some of you have ever seen?

Aren't you relieved to know you're not a golem?


There are only so many martial arts moves, kicks, punches, and leaps, people...
Being an old guy who has watched martial arts movies through the 60's and 70's up to now, and being a big Bruce Lee fan, I see the same stuff in movies such as The Matrix and Kill Bill, from Jackie Chan and Jet Li, etc.
If you are looking to find a movie with totally new martial arts content, forget it. The best you will find is a movie that takes it in a different direction or style like Kung Fu Hustle did.

DOA was entertaining, it was fun, take it for what it is.
It definitely deserves a higher rating than what it has on IMDB, it is at least a 6+.


There is a difference between what you wrote and blatantly ripping off those "special moments" in fights where the characters do something extraordinary to the very detail. That chain hanging movie Helena does and NAKED WEAPON is just one example of this...

"I want a frisbee made of Mexico."


Opinion has nothing to with IQ, and constructive criticism is something every film maker want to hear, to hear what the public thought was wrong and what he can do to fix it in future movies.


I immediately thought of Mortal Kombat for the invitational fighting tournament on an island. Also, the bamboo scene reminded me of 2 movies; House of Flying Daggers and another film I just can't think of right now (I think Jackie Chan was involved but I honestly can't remember). But yeah, don't blame this film when there are hundreds of fighting movies out there borrowing material from one another. This film isn't the first and sure as heck won't be the last.

"Ha, let me tell ya about 20 year old's my friend, half of them are 16." - 30 Rock
