MovieChat Forums > DOA: Dead or Alive (2007) Discussion > Things that would have made the movie be...

Things that would have made the movie better

Well apart from some of the casting choices, and the story. There are certain things that would have made the film better.

1. Even though it would take quite an advanced special effect, I would have liked to see Kasumi use her teleportation move in the fight against Ayane. That would have been exciting to see. Another thing I would like to see is Kasumi being more swift in her fighting as she is the game.

2. If Christie fought the snake style and Helena fought her game fighting style (Pi Qua). Helena's is very distinct in the movie though.


Nothing could have saved this horrible piece of trash film.

Snootchie Bootchie


Maybe full frontal nudity. Maybe.

I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy.


And some blood,actually a lot of blood.


Yes. This was like a heavily-censored Andy Sidaris movie.


If they made it more like Baywatch, it would have been worth it.
