Nostalgia Critic review algia-critic/40625-nostalgia-critic-bridge-to-terabithia

RIP Roger Ebert


Funny review and I actually agree with him on many points. Even though I did like this film.


I liked how NC joked that Leslie would become a crazy killer if she lived to be an adult.

"Andy! You goonie!"



I don't think NC is an atheist per se, he just was bothered by Disney allowing heavy Christian views in one of their movies.

"Andy! You goonie!"



He's never came out to my knowledge, but even if he was, so what? It's his beliefs, and his beliefs will be reflected in his work.

I think I remember him saying that Santa Christ was a combination of the two main figureheads for Christmas. I don't know about the Donkey Kong thing. The Chick Fil E thing albeit I didn't see, has it's merits in my opinion; I didn't take Chick Fil E's side on the issue, and found them to be very bigoted.

The Optimus Prime thing is a joke that predates NC. I've seen it numerous times amongst forums/message boards.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."


Morgana, Christianity is not immune to mockery and criticism. The Nostalgia Critic is a free entertainer and he can say whatever he wants on any topic he wants. And frankly, given its absolute absurdity in the face of modern views of science and history and its detrimental and backwards agendas, Christianity should be criticized more often.


And frankly, given its absolute absurdity in the face of modern views of science and history and its detrimental and backwards agendas, Christianity should be criticized more often.

Sounds just like what this young Frenchman on a train back in the late 19th Century said to the old man sitting next to him who was praying the Rosary. After the young man finished his rant and the old man finished his prayers, the old man turned to him and said, "My name is Louis Pasteur. What's yours?"


I know I'm late to the game by saying this, but I'm pretty sure that Doug Walker (the Nostalgia Critic) is not an atheist. He's not necessarily Christian, but I seem to remember him make a Facebook post - out of character - saying that he was sending his prayers after the Boston Marathon tragedy. He mentions in one video that he was raised Catholic, so it's probably an easy target for him.

He actually hated Easy A for a lot of reasons, but one of the biggest was how it portrays all Christians as fundamentalist bigots. (He says this in a video.)


Wow, this is one of favourite NC episodes yet, even though Bridge to Terabithia is my 12th favourite film off all time.
