Didn't she know how to swim?
shareThe heavy rainfall over the month had made the stream have a really strong current, no matter how strong a swimmer it's not enough against a really strong current.
shareShe hit her head on a rock
share"Apparently, she tried to swing across on a rope, and it broke. They think she hit her head."
W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!
T1000 said that they thought she hit her head
shareNo Robert Patrick terminated her as she swung across
shareThat was quite a fast torrent that she fell in. There are no swimming abilities that can save you from that except luck and God on your side.
I had the mishap to fall into such a river this summer and the great fortune to survive it because faith had me fall off the tree trunk makeshift bridge on just the right side of the bridge and I was able to catch the tree with my arms as the torrent pulled me down stream. Luckily with the help of my friends I was able to pull my self out of the river. And even though I could touch the river bed with my feet (the water was chest high, 1.5 m deep) I couldn't make a firm foot stand because of the power of the torrent. Thank God I fell on the right side of the tree trunk.
So you see there was nothing in the movie river that Leslie could have held on to, to keep her self from being pulled by the torrent. I felt very sad at that point in the movie and it reminded me of "My girl 1" and M. Culkin's character.
I'm surprised at how many people (including those who posted here that the current was too strong) missed the explanation that Jess's father gave that she apparently hit her head on a rock. My guess is that everyone is in too much of a shock from the news of Leslie's death that the explanation goes completely over their heads.
shareThe point is that even without her hitting her head on a rock she would have had very little chance of survival. It's a word of caution, that such things should not be considered lightly.
And as far as the movie explanation goes. What is unbelievable is how they managed to find her body at all. Not that I'm persisting on bringing the current up again, but have you any idea how far would that current have taken her body? Probably to the next state if that river was long enough. And as far as hitting her head that could happen even after the drowning as she is bashed about rocks and trees in the path of the torrent.
I had to look up the book explanation, which is typed below. I always took it that Leslie swung across the creek on an old rope, which snapped; consequently, she struck her head on a rock and drowned in the creek (not a river.) I would say it was the rock, not the current, that was her ultimate undoing, but I can appreciate what you guys are saying. I lived next to a creek as a child, one without a rope, and more than one kid lost their life to the current during a heavy rainstorm. Those are just my two cents, people can decide from the movie and text. :)
Finally his father spoke, his big rough hand stroking his wife's hair and his eyes downcast watching the motion. "They found the Burke girl this morning down in the creek."
"No," he said, finding his voice. Leslie wouldn't drown. She could swim real good.
"The old rope you kids been swinging on broke." His father went quietly and relentlessly on. "They thing she musta hit her head or something when she fell."
"No." He shook his head. "no."
I've almost been swept away by a river before—They're stronger than they look. But, yes, like everyone has said, the river was running high and she hit her head on a rock. She really had no chance. Even if he HAD been there, I don't think he would have been able to save her. :(