MovieChat Forums > Bridge to Terabithia (2007) Discussion > Fantasy is the Only Refuge from Mortalit...

Fantasy is the Only Refuge from Mortality.

...whether it's escapism, religion, delusion or insanity, mental-blindness is the one and only surcease from the relentless and inescapable engine of entropy.



I don't think we're in CONUS anymore, Toto...


I don't know whom you're trying to impress, but when I started college 40 years ago, one of the first things my Freshman English Comp textbook said was, "Throw away that damn Thesaurus!"

And I feel sorry for you Atheists. When they lay you out at the end, you'll be all dressed up with no place to go.


I don't know whom you're trying to impress, but when I started college 40 years ago, one of the first things my Freshman English Comp textbook said was, "Throw away that damn Thesaurus!"

Well, that's certainly a good recommendation in this case, and in many others; however, a thesaurus can indeed be a useful tool to those with an already -- ummm -- respectable and admirable intellect/base of knowledge.

And I feel sorry for you Atheists. When they lay you out at the end, you'll be all dressed up with no place to go.

Oh, no need to be apologetic or give pity. Because we know there's no followup, or what have you, most of us do all we can to enjoy and otherwise feel accomplished in (this) life. Anywho... Even though it doesn't matter at that point because we have no awareness, our bodies either go in the ground or fire to rot or become ashes. Either way, before that it would be appropriate and kind for our bodies to be presented nicely as a final image for others. You know, the need for some to have help and extra time to accept such an emotional (traumatically sad) fact.

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!


P.S. If you so wish, feel free to provide a more technical/professional explanation.

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!


When they lay you out at the end, you'll be all dressed up with no place to go.

That's quite poetic, in a rather macabre kind of way. I like it.

If God gives you lemons, make lemonade. If given melons, return them and tell God he needs glasses


And I feel sorry for you Atheists. When they lay you out at the end, you'll be all dressed up with no place to go.
Can you prove there's anything after death, though?

I'm not an Atheist, but I love the sanctimonious attitude. Every Atheist I've known has lived their lives like there's no tomorrow. When they pass, they don't fear death because they don't worry if they've earned their trip to Heaven. Why? Because if a benevolent deity exists, and Heaven exists as a reward, then being a good person is all that should matter, not belief.

If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!


It's more like "Fantasy is the only refuge from reality." Whether a child or adult, the activity of dreaming, daydreaming, fantasizing, etc creates an alternate universe or even time travel, a virtual existence where we have the lifestyle currently desired rather than the (actual/literal) one seen before us. Generally, this behavior is positive, offering motivation and allowing a sort of mental reset. However, indeed, sometimes a person's mind improperly intertwines or swaps the two worlds, which may cause an incorrect perception on actions, namely the result or consequences.

Put simply, there's absolutely nothing troublesome or embarrassing about fantasizing to anyone as long as the act remains harmless to you and others.

In regard to the escape from mortality, i.e., the denial of actual death, many do expect and envision some kind of afterlife, e.g., Heaven, but that's a bit different from the virtual world portrayed in a story such as BtT. Terabithia, and similar perception transformations, provide a means to enhance life, hopefully, permanently through attainment of that vision. In contrast, Heaven, for example, is the gift of a vague place of constant and eternal perfection in exchange for obedience. Basically, it entices people to complete several objectives and move on to this super happy place, which is why suicide is a sin.

In other words, a typical fantasy/dream is a self-constructed augmentation for personal betterment whereas the other, what you seem to be referring to, is just a diluted means of comfort and clever scam to get others to follow a certain leader's guidelines.

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!


Wow. And I thought I overstuffed my sentences with complex vocabulary...

Anyway, I concur with what you've said. I think a person's imagination and creativity flourish when they're feeling inadequate and incomplete, but I don't think this applies to mainstream religion due to the fact that it's pervaded Western culture for centuries- most people who adhere to them now don't do so because they are imaginative, but because they have been brought up a certain way or have decided that there is a logical rationale to following whatever religion they believe in. Making up your own religion to help console yourself when times are tough would indicate a considerable measure of creativity, but following well-established religions, such as Christianity or Islam, requires faith but not innovation.

If God gives you lemons, make lemonade. If given melons, return them and tell God he needs glasses


May I interest this gentleman with my collection of fedoras?


He probably won't be interested seeing as he's got a fedora collection of his own already. They're sitting on a shelf in his bedroom alongside a thesaurus, a My Chemical Romance poster and a copy of Albert Camus' 'The Outsider'.
