Good Action Film!!!

This was a good action film it didn't overload with CGI it was just old school shootouts and action it was a good film and the acting by Ethan Hawke and especially Laurence Fishburne.

The direction was good too.


Two Greatest things in Life - Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut


Sorry to disagree, but I share the opinion of quite a couple of comment(er)s on the said section, that this is one of the poorest/worst movie (in acting, script, music, direction,...), they and I have ever seen. Junk to burn.



About 18 giant plot holes. It had to move quickly or you notice how little sense much of it made.

eg. World War 2, even at night and no one in a city notices?


Loads of plot holes, predictible story, bad acting from minor characters(Not that the original had that good acting) and horrible music(The original has maybe the best score ever while this have some of the worst ever) and lame action sequences. And on top of that it has ZERO atmosphere and no suspense what so ever. Have they ever heard of a thing called build up? And it was so damn stupid that almost every one got shot in the head. And after they got shot they shows a close up of it.

Bad movie.

Asslault on Precinct 13(2005) - 3/10

All work and no fun makes Rest a dull boy.
