imbecile movie ... what were the re-makers allowed to do ?
Just saw this incredible poor "re-make" and simply can´t believe anybody not completely brain-dead could do such plot-changes without being forced to do so ...
I mean, the storyline has changed from possible to completely unbelieveable, the music is utterly poor, and there´s nothing from the classic Carpenter-dialogue ("got a smoke?") in it.
I just asked myself, if the right-holder(s) to the original (Carpenter) did not allow to make a straight re-make, in other words only sold the basic storyline, the core of it (the closing precinct and the title), but did not allow to re-use his classic music, the dialogue and even his straight-forward storyline.
OK, it might sound far-fetched, but is it unthinkable?
Does anybody know if the re-make is that terribly imbecile/poor/junk/dreck, because literally everbody involved was just plain simply braindead or are there legal causes (contracts) that forbid the re-makers to use more elements from the original ?