Die Hard?

There is a part where they fought outside and Ethan Hawke used the icepick 2 penetrate the guys eyes..Die Hard 2...this movie is like Die Hard..I mean new years eve..and in Die Hard its christmas..theres a resemblance..But Die Hard Rocks!


Its been 2 years since you post this but I was thinking the same! Just saw this one and yep that icepick went very deep :D Yiepiekayei *beep*



It wasn't an ice pick. It was a column of ice.

It was a necessary plot point to have this occur in a storm. They chose a snow storm as they are more common in Detroit than any other kind of storm that would force a truck to make a diversion to Precinct 13. Since they chose a snow storm it limited the number of days it could be from mid-December through to February (or there abouts). During this period there is only a few days where police numbers would be down. They chose New Year.

There isn't any real similarities between this movie and Die Hard. You are reaching for things that aren't there because you're a fan of Die Hard.



And your just a party pooper :D


It's a hard job, and few are qualified

