Maria Bello's Character


This movie was decent, but could have been better. One major thing that bothered me was the Doctor was scared out of her panties the whole time and freaking out every time something little happened and then she gets captured and as she's looking death in the face all the sudden she's a bada$$/smarta$$ and says "100" when asked how many people are in the building. The second time he ask her she doesn't say anything and then Marcus calls her, "...a brave woman." Her character just seemed inconsistant and it seemed unrealistic that she wouldn't spill her guts. Although shortly after that he shoots her in the head which to me was really what would have happened in real life, but it still didn't make up for it.


I agree. I wasn´t sure what to make of her character. She was pretty annoying.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


Just because she was scared out of her panties doesn't mean she was then a terrible person. It was pretty obvious they were going to kill her either way, and as she's a doctor and not retarded she probably figured that out.

Also, she was ridiculously gorgeous in this movie. I was pretty peeved when she died.


My principal problem with her wasn't this, I think it's fairly believable you first get paralyzed of fear when confronted with this kind of stuff for the first time in your life, then you realize it's serious and "decide" you gotta do something

my prob with her character was instead her analysis of Ethan Hawkes behaviour, I think it's kinda harsh of a psychiatrist accusing a police officer having his partners killed for "hiding behind a desk". Very unusual approach in a police movie I gotta say :).

"if seagal was thinner this could have been a theatrical product."
