Movie Sucked major so why do i watch it?!?!
A weak hero, one-note women, annoying criminals (except for Fishbourne), a soulless villain, and a lot of faceless goons. What an empty actioner.
How much better might it have been if Brian Denehy was the hero of the movie, a cop as old as the run-down facility he's watching over? Two powerhouse actors like Denehy and Fishbourne going at it with some good dialogue would've been fun to watch.
Hawke is okay but would've been greater as a side character, a young rambunctious cop who thinks he can take on the villains until he realizes the odds are too great. Give him a heroic death and we'd love him even more.
i don't know about the women. The script gave them nothing to do. And Drea de MAtteo's nympho just didn't bring much to the table.
As bad as the women were, they weren't as bad as Ja Rule and Leguizamo and the butch lezbo girl. Leguizamo tried his best to inject some humor into his role but the script was rather bleak and dull and humorless, just as ugly as the fake snow.
But i'm not sure how they could've made the villains better. With a weak villain you have a weak movie. Byrne's character was ruthless and cold and it worked. But he wasn't onscreen much and had no personality. Maybe the movie might've been more exciting if the cops actually pretended to be thugs and it'd be later revealed that they were in fact cops. But the sctipt didn't take care to add surprises.
A wasted opportunity. And any movie that doesn't take full advantage of Brian Denehy's acting skills is doing a disservice to humanity.