PC Bullcrap...

the gangsters arent bad... no no its the white COPS who are evil...

the men are more or less foolish or weak, and its the women who are tougher and smarter

this movie worked in the 70's because it was plausible. gangs were horrible and violent... were.. hell still are. hollywood is chicken sh!t to be realistic. so no gangs as bad guys, no middle easterners as terrorists... its just mean mean white people. ridiculous.


*Spoilers Ahead*

Then what about Maria Bello's death? That was certainly shocking.

This movie NEEDS a rapping genie.



I guess you're verry verrrry young. When you grow up, take Carpenter's DVDs chronologically. You'll hate it, but when you grow up, you'll find some time...


the 70's version was one of the most terrible movies ever, almost as bad as pchycho.





PC bullcrap? All the gangsters were non-whites.

Please sign this petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/IMDBKEEP/petition.html


RobertDownysyndrome, you have to be one of the biggest idiots in these forums (and i'm far from being right wing).
Political Incorrectness is not the domain of right wing conservatives.

And Mario Bello's death was not really that shocking. Remember the orginal film? A little girl holding an ice cream cone got her chest practically blown out by a cold, emotionless, psychotic gang member who thought absolutely nothing of it. A grown woman getting shot by a guy that calls her "a brave woman" (almost as if he reveres her in some twisted way) beforehand was not much compared to that. Just because she was pretty and had nice tits, doesn't mean it was "shocking"---WHOOPS! That wasn't a very PC thing to say was it. PC=BS


Why can't we just agree that both versions are good?

Hell, the "original" was a remake too.


raggeddruid wrote:

Hell, the "original" was a remake too.

Carpenter is up front about the influences of Howard Hawks and Rio Bravo, but you'd be a moron to consider Assault on Precinct 13 (1976) a remake of Rio Bravo. Carpenter basically took the idea of a few lawman and assorted rogues holed up and under siege from a lot of bad guys.


Why can't we just agree that both versions are good?

Hell, the "original" was a remake too.

Then it wasn't the "original".


Hence the quotes.


I really disliked the remake. Very hollywoodish PC action flick (very 2000ish if you see what I mean) : the main cop is a dirty (not too dirty though) guilt ridden cop, there is this sex craving hooker looking cop, the badass black convict (who of course is cool and not so bad), the traitor (of course an older whie man),... It's quite bad, not very entertaining, I'm 28, I'm a leftist (even by french standards) but this one blows and the original is awesome

Omae wa mo shinderu


Women are tougher and smarter? Maria Bello was the weakest character in the whole movie.
