MovieChat Forums > Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) Discussion > i thought film brill but grrrrrr huhhhhh...

i thought film brill but grrrrrr huhhhhhhhhhhh ?????

i watched it in hurrey wasing paying attenchion grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ie
needs watch agne see good thought was but shoot out ace big heat

nuthink upsets me makes me sad ore angrey way life is

i kool


Why do you hate English?




Read a book sometime. Your use of the English language is dreadful.


People so full of hate.

He's either:

1- A Troll

2- English is the 3rd or 10th language he's learning

3- Possibly mentally handicapped in that type of way

I wish people weren't so quick to judge, though I do understand the Thread has no purpose as a result of the OP making little sense.


I don't think the other posters are necessarily full of hate, more appalled by the quality of the OP's post. But your humanity and patience towards a fellow poster who appears to be a sandwich short of a picnic basket, is admirable.
