Rob Lake - the tragic hero (Spoilers)
As Rob finally brings down Hurley, he also brings himself down!
Throughout all the episodes, Rob said that he would only ever report Hurley for something he did do, opposed to the rumour mill about his 'affair' etc.
BUT - The scene in which Polly is giving birth is so awful to watch on many levels! Rob stiches up Hurley FOR SOMETHING HE DIDNT DO and at the same time ruins his relationship with Polly and his daughter. He might not have loved Polly, but he still should have respected her enough not to turn her labour into a set up to get Hurley.
Rob gives in and hospital politics wins. The line between truth and lies has become blurred in Rob's mind, despite that fact that Rob was the only person able to see the difference.
If Rob had allowed Hurley to continue to practice, ironically Rob would have kept his integrity.
Who thinks Rob is a tragic hero?