cola i imagine. its more fatting. or he could want to start to get skinny. and could have said corn. but his chracter throughout the movie would suggest cola.
That's what I thought(he's always asking for a cola when he's winded or knocked down) and saying corn then would be out of character. I will admit it doesn't sound clearly like cola but he was winded and woozy from the hit so that might have muffled it enough to sound like "corn".
It's a long way back to Eden, sweetheart, so don't sweat the small stuff.
A "can of corn" is a routine, near impossible to screw up play in baseball. Although this is a football movie, obviously, the term is so commonplace to sports fans that it certainly translates from sport to sport. . If I'm not mistaken, the big guy says this after getting crushed by a few guards in the course of handling this "can of corn." The self deprecating context as well as the choice of a baseball term both contribute to what really is a rather humorous comment. At least I think so.