'Will you teach me to football?'
Oh MAN that was funny, the way he said that was just gold.
shareLOLOL I know man that was pure end of the rainbow gold man XD
shareWas that the big dumb guy that said that? (It's been a long time since I've seen this film). That man was pure comedy anyway.
shareYes Alliance, that big dumb guy was Bob Sapp (AKA the ex K1 MMA fighter). It's hard for me to determine who stole the show more, Bob Sapp or Terry Crews. Both were basically no-names in the world of acting at the time of the movie and well Terry is pretty famous now while Sapp has yet to officially break out.
But it's pretty awesome that two (unknown at the time) ex football players and mixed martial artists stole the show from the "real" actors.
Really the supporting cast of non actors and athletes and even Nelly completely made this movie watchable and funny.
Yeah, sure I'll teach you to football
share"I'll teach you anything just don't eat me"
shareWhen there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
I don't Want you playing the foozeball.
Oh wait. Wrong movie.
Eh. Neither was funny.
Coming Soon... The December Man
Soooo, where is it? The long trailer looked good.