Never saw the original and didn't like this movie anyway
One, actually many, of the user comments stated that anyone who didn't like this movie was expecting it to be the original and that no comparison should be made because it's an homage, not a remake. Well, I never saw the original. I went into this film with no bias and hoping to laugh and be entertained. Neither happened. It sucked. Not funny at all. And to top it off, the movie did what seems like any and all sports movies have done over the last 12-15 years- the obligatory Sportscenter/ESPN/Chris Berman (take your pick) inclusion. Give me a break. And Adam Sandler as a tough guy? Don't make me laugh. How am I expected to go from seeing a high-pitched, kindergarten voice, half-wit in every one of his movies and all of a sudden buy him as a prison yard tough guy? I don't think so.
Nice try.
"Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun."