Worst villain ever

I could imagine Vincent Cassel playing slimy, but the EEEEVIL no redeeming features of this character? Not a chance. One punch from Clive Owen would have knocked out his skinny ass. I felt sorry for him having to play someone who could be overpowered by this little weakling.


Funny that you say that cos he really intimidated ME! He actually really did look like a dangerous thug you wouldn't want to mess with. Gun or no gun.


Are you intimidated by your own shadow? This guy was an absolute joke. How could someone who looks like he weighs 130 LB at most look like a "dangerous thug"? He would need a gun to even remotely intimidate any average Joe. So you'd be intimidated by someone who's built like a twig without a gun? What kind of person are you? You said he would imtimidate you without a gun?! Seriously, if this guy threatened any average male without a gun, he wouldn't meet a very good ending. With his physique, he'd get all the air knocked out of him!

Were you involved in the making or casting of this movie perhaps? I don't think anybody could watch this and genuinely find him remotely intimidating.

Vincent Cassel can play weasel-like bad guys well, but he can't play anyone who's even remotely physically intimidating.


Well he may be lean in comparison to his height, but he still looks like a dangerous thug to me. Always, but especially in Derailed. I'd like to see you fight him before I can take your opinion seriously.


He is not just "lean in comparison to his height" - he is extremely scrawny by any standard and very weak looking physically. How could you perceive such a person as dangerous unless he wasn't carrying a gun? I could maybe take him slightly more seriously if he had a gun and was prepared to use it, AND didn't let his victims near him, but he throws himself in the face of taller and more muscular Clive Owen repeatedly, who completely fails to defend himself on more than one occasion. Sorry, but it's just laughable. I could never root for a hero so pathetic that somehow he is unable to defend himself against someone like this.

Given that I am slightly taller than him and far bigger proportioned, I'm afraid there wouldn't be much of a contest.


I don't know if you've seen Drive, but people said the same thing about Ryan Gosling in that movie. They couldn't believe a fairly regular built pretty boy like Ryan Gosling could be a tough guy. But that's another one where I really thought he could be dangerous despite common doubts. He looked like he was more than capable of defending himself and looked like he was always ready to. I believe strength isn't always measured in how ripped you are. There's plenty of ripped douches around who want to look tough, but most of the time even I can think I could beat them up. They look like blown up balloons, and I really can't imagine them being agile in a fight. Brad Pitt in Fight Club type ripped is understandable, cos he's not massive. Just ripped but still lean.
