I enjoyed it as well, OP. I've seen it three times and would definitely watch it again.
What the poster above me doesn't get is the irony. LaRouche shouldn't really scare Chuck. But Chuck is a COWARD. That is what the movie is about. The whole movie traces how Chuck evolves from a spineless, passive coward to a person who can take control of the chaos in his life.
When his friend Winston mentions that his gun is not loaded, but that you have to project strength... this is the theme of the story and also a nod to what LaRouche is doing. No, LaRouche isn't big or muscular, i.e.... he isn't a loaded gun. But he does project power and strength .... so, the illusion that Chuck can't beat LaRouche thrives because of that.
LaRouche believes and acts on his own self-myth while Chuck acts on his (as a powerless person at the mercy of his boss, his stressful home life, LaRouche and basically everyone).