$$TheBANKScene$$-Poor Charles + $100G's cold hard cash.Wife is pissed!!!
I would have been angry too.His wife was so angry and i would've smack him once or twice for sure.I am glad i can watch it again today. I love this movie. Happy that CHARLES is finally is putting it altogether.But the bank scene always stand out to me.
The actual bank scene of the lady/teller counting "10" 20,000 thirty forty fifty etc., $100,000 was sad to see as i am yelling at the screen, "DON'T do it Charles,it's a set up"
He work hard for his daughter to have such protection when it is needed with her illness,then later, seeing how Lucinda was trying to appear all sad, but in reality she was not. He goes, "I think we're safe now. We are safe." She did appear sad,but clearly didn't care, as she knew it was for Charles sick teen-child daughter, who really needed it etc. and his family. 😥UGH... I like Jen Aniston in it but HATED Lucinda. I can't wait til' i see again today her being busted and suffering at the end for what she did to him. This movie is so good i can watch it many times and never bored with it.