How close to the book

I have just finished the book of this film and haven't seen the film yet. Could anyone tell me if it is quite true to the book or if there are big differences? From reading other questions it sounds as though it might be quite close to the novel. Thanks


The storyline is pretty much the same but certain things are covered in more detail in the book eg. Sayuri's relationship with Nobu.


Many thanks I have just seen the DVD now and enjoyed it but you are correct the relationship with nobu is very much downplayed and also there is no cryptic reference to a child at the end as the book appears to allude to


I actually wanted her to end up with Nobu in the book. I thought that they had much better chemistry than her and the Chairman and I was sad to see their relationship so downplayed in the movies.


I saw the movie before reading the book. Which lead to my very much liking both. Having read the book first you may not enjoy the film. They didn't dramatically change anything for the film. It covers the basics of the book
