MovieChat Forums > Memoirs of a Geisha (2005) Discussion > Hated the movie, loved the book...

Hated the movie, loved the book...

The book is amazing!!! Don't know why I didbt read it sooner!!!!!! So after reading this beautiful book I decided to watch the movie. I know that books are always better but Damn. I couldn't even watch the entire movie.

Read the book people!!!!!!


I loved the film but loved the book even more.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


I think most people who read the book first and then see the movie, love the book and hate the movie (for any book/movie, not just this one). I saw the movie first and then read the book and I love both.


I've always thought this. Every time I watch a movie and then read the book, I like both, but when I read the book, and then watch the film, I hate the film. For instance I saw the first two Harry Potter films before I read the books, and adore them! Then I read all of the books, and hated the rest of the films. Lol fascinating how that works.


The book isn't a good representation about the geisha world at all. You can read a good chapter for chapter critique why here:


The book is a better representation than this movie.


Neither is a good representation. Golden juices up a lot of things and makes it seem that the geisha world is full of backstabbing, bullying b.....s. But the LJ account explains more in detail the mistakes.


The book is misogynistic and racist, but this movie just makes it worse.


Well, that's true. It also encouraged the geisha are just a fancy work for prostitute theories to reappear.


I don't think anyone with good sense took the book or the movie as an accurate representation of anything. It is just fiction, but it was an enjoyable story.


Yestarday i finished the book and then i searched fot the movie i cound not watch more the 20 min, the book is amazing! Its always the same with books and movies!
