Why did nobody care that....
...English and Americans play Germans or Poles all the time in WW2 films like the Pianist/Schindler's List/The Reader/Grey Zone etc the list is endless, but everyone suddenly started soiling their pants and marching on Hollywood when Chinese actors were cast as Japanese characters? I know a lot of Japanese people were "insulted" because they could tell the actors were Chinese, but I don't remember any Polish people being insulted when Adrian Brody played the lead in the Pianist. And you'd think considering that's a true story portraying a famous Holocaust survivor people would have more right to be pissed off than people being pissed off about a fictional Geisha in a heavily fictionalized Geisha world, right?
Whats up with all that? Why was everyone being such a dick about it? It's just a movie O.o I just never understood the uproar and controversy it seemed to cause.