MovieChat Forums > Gossip Girl (2007) Discussion > Chuck and Blair - they were BOTH toxic t...

Chuck and Blair - they were BOTH toxic to one another

Blair was not some poor innocent victim! They were both obviously terrible in that relationship, but she did awful things to him too. What she did to Eva was the lowest of the low.


I don't think most people see Blair as an innocent victim but the writers never allowed her to react to Chuck the same way he was allowed to react to her when he was wronged. He would set out to destroy her, humiliate her, and then she would take him back or pine after him. Their relationship is just toxic and abusive so it's difficult to watch. I mostly get annoyed with the writers for ruining her character to prop Chuck up and they pushed her more interesting qualities aside to focus on him. Blair wasn't a good person but she was entertaining prior to the ridiculous back and forth they have.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


Yeah it was the worst relationship. I think the writers ruined their characters to a point that them ending up together was contrived. It made no sense. It would have been better if they sort of where like their season one characters, but the later seasons just really made it difficult for me to want them to be together.


But they were awesome together
