MovieChat Forums > Eight Below (2006) Discussion > Someone Recommend Something Similiar To ...

Someone Recommend Something Similiar To This Absolutely Brilliant Film?

Can someone recommend movies which are similiar to this one? I find this film to be absolutely wonderful. The dogs stole the limelight here. I would love to watch more of these films which feature some well-trained lovable animals like the brilliant dogs in this movie.


This might be cheesy, but Milo and Otis has always held a soft spot for me. I love that movie!


Thanks. I will look into that for sure.


I would recommend Nankyoku Monogatari, the acting and the story is superior than Eight Below. Plus, the dogs in this movie are magnificent.

I haven't seen Haichiko Monogatari yet, but I've read that it's a great movie in which the dog stole the entire movie. In fact, a remake is been made right now with Richard Gere in the lead role as the owner of the dog. I believe many people are upset about this since the owner in real life is Japanese, and they are Americanizing a real life story.



Thanks for the recommendations. I'll be looking out for these two Japanese films soon. Hopefully they wouldn't be too difficult to come by on DVD.



Actually, ...

Eight Below is "inspired by" the Japanese film "Nankyoku Monogatari (1983)" which is based on the true incident in 1958 involving Japanese research scientists and their 15 dogs. (You can search "Nankyoku Monogatari" in wikipedia)

One of the dog handlers, Kitagawa returned one year later with the intention of burying the dogs bodies but were amazed to find two dogs, Taro and Jiro, still alive

So, just like Hachiko Monogatari - Eight Below is based on a real life story and also a movie where the Japanese characters were replaced by American characters.


Wondered if it was based on the same story. Thanks.


No brainer: White Fang.


I don't really know, Iron Will might interest you


"Snow dogs".... I love that film


Yeah, I have to agree with Iron Will. There's even a dog that looks like Shorty, but called Gus. It's a great film.


Kirk Acevedo makes my heart feel strange


If you love this movie like I do. Then, you want Snow Dogs. A total of 4 dogs that was in this movie gone rougue, or crazy.



Red Dog.


Hachi very moving
