Favorite Roger Persona?

Probably my favorite part of the show, the introduction of the personas most notably. My favorites include:

-Reaganomics Lamborghini, Jacuzzi Dealer
-Betty B. Getty McClanahan, Greatest Actor Alive
-Sweeps McCullough, 80's TV Producer

countless others..

Which is(are) your favorite(s)?

Dorothy Mantooth is a Saint!


[whisper]Ricky Spanish [/whisper]

Droid please.


Jeanie Gold, Wedding Planner.

But I'm a pretty big fan of anytime Roger plays make believe.


Jeanie Gold, Wedding Planner.

Without a doubt!

*Who else has two children who are both in film school and help out?
*Who else is a cancer survivor?
*Who else has a son who is quite an enforcer?
*Lastly...who else has a handy-j ready for Stan and the priest?

Oh and after fleeing to South America also is a madam?


*And has Malik the henchman!

Dorothy Mantooth was a Saint!


Jenny Fromdablock was hilarious.

My favorite is probably Legman, though.


Jenny Fromdablock was hilarious.

With her "stress ball" which allowed Snot to "reduce a lot of stress."

Points to Roger who seems to have Marvel's Quicksilver in speed in setting up the fake body, moving himself out of the way, and even adding studio blood.

My favorite is probably Legman, though.

I like how Roger slapped Jeff and Klaus with a seize an desist order for copyright infringement over their buddy cop show.


Genivene Vavance, Ricky Spanish, Martin Sugar and countless others


I wasn't too crazy about Vavance. Probably my least favorite Roger persona. The general was a funny Roger persona, though.


Kevin Bacon!!


Yeah it's tough to beat Jeanie Gold. Some of my other favorites are Ace Chapman, the acting teacher persona, and the Nurse persona when he shook a crying Steve.
"That's a little trick I learned when I worked in the maternity ward to silence newborns. A lot of people are still looking for this little lady, I'll tell you that much" Lol.


All time favorite is the sassy, overweight teacher from the Betty/Hercules episode.
Laura Vanderbooben and Jeanie Gold are also favorites.

.....Yourself on me, who said that???


You cant forget Vanderbooben's counterpart, Luke Fondleberg. lol

This post comes direct from Alan Smithee himself


What episode is the Nurse one?


Cant remember the name but the episode where Steve wants for Stan to see him as brave so him and Roger create a superhero persona (The Masked Hero) for Steve but Roger throws him under the bus and assumes the persona when he hears Stan is throwing a Hero's brunch (Roger loves brunch).

This post comes direct from Alan Smithee himself


Thank you


Um, well, Dr. Penguin.

"I'm playing a role, sir. What are you doing?"


Dr. Raphael Penguin to be exact!

Dorothy Mantooth was a Saint!


And you can't forget Twill Ogdenbone, Archeologist.

Dorothy Mantooth was a Saint!


Roy Rogers McFreely
