Who is he meant to be?
Is Garth Merenghi based on any writer/s in particular? I thought Shaun Hutson but maybe it's a Clive Barker joke... And is the satire affectionate here?
shareIs Garth Merenghi based on any writer/s in particular? I thought Shaun Hutson but maybe it's a Clive Barker joke... And is the satire affectionate here?
shareFrom what I remember of interviews at the time he's a composite character, but Shaun Hutson was definitely mentioned, Stephen King too. From the gist of the interviews it was affectionate satire, they seem to know the subject too well for it not to be.
shareThanks, but I'm kinda disappointed since if you ever see Lars von Triers' Danish horror series The Kingdom, the similarity is striking (it's about a haunted hospital full of bizarre happenings, which he created, wrote and directed, and delivers a cryptic epilogue at the end of every episode in front of red stage curtains...) So I really thought I'd found the original.
shareI loved watching The Kingdom, I'm pretty sure it was broadcast on BBC2 before Darkplace was made, so it too could have been an influence, but I never read its name in any interviews with the Darkplace mob. I'm sure they watched it though!