Referenced this show TWICE in a week.....
Reference #1:
A co-worker of mine moved out to Saskatchewan at about this time last year. We keep up to date on facebook.
He posted a pic of the flat plains where he was driving. To which I reply:
"You think there's not a lot going on.....WELL, THEY'RE RIGHT!!"
Reference #2:
A friend of mine works at the airport in Toronto. He posted a pic of a plane there with the comment, "Typical day at work #YYZ." To which I reply:
"Y-Y-Zed, NOT Y-Y-Zee" (referring to the blunder from the episode "Merry Gasmas" where each character pronounced the letter "Z" "Zee", and not "Zed" like a REAL Canadian, eh? )
One of my other friends, who is American, liked my comment.
Joker's Wilde
Joker's Wilde - restoring people's faith in the person at a time!