While I can totally understand die hard fans of the book being upset at the changes that were made to a movie...this is also not something new to this particular movie. If anyone has ever read Dean Koontz's book Watchers, there's a book that had several movies made from it none of which even really came close to the book.
Whenever I see a movie and then discover it is based on a book, if I liked the movie, then I'll look into getting the book as in almost everycase I can say I like the book better, though I can usually still enjoy both as separate works. (face it, what works in a book does not always work on film and vice versa as they are two different mediums) However, with the Blood and Chocolate movie I have to say this is one time where I totally and completely loved/enjoyed the movie, more so than the book. In fact, I almost didn't finish the book as it and the characters rather annoyed me in a way that the movie itself didn't.
Granted I saw the movie first but as said above there has been many other cases (Watchers being one) where I've tracked down the books after viewing the movie and while still liking both readily admit the book is better) I'd pass it off as saying I'm older than the target age of the book (meant for teenagers) but then again I enjoy the Harry Potter books and movies and have viewed and read them many times over. *shrugs*
This is the one exception for me...I've seen the movie many times over and as stated already I barely made it through one reading of the book with no intentions of ever rereading it.
"They have to stay. Or else we haven't learned a thing." - Abraham Bernstein