Twilight and New Moon

I really think they should make a movie out of twilight and new moon.Iv almost finished new moon and I think they are both really good.What do you all think?



They are planning on making a movie of Twilight, by MTV, which means it will most likely turn out bad.

On a side note, I think New Moon is one of the worst books I have ever read.


MTV is making it? Then it is going to be a crappy movie. =( Sad.I actually enjoyed the book.

And new moon was a boring book when the vampires left.It didnt get good again untill they came back.


it's not just MTV that is making it.MTV Films, Paramount, and Maverick Films have, as a group, bought the right to consider making Twilight into a film. Paramount is good. Get your facts straight. I dont mean to be rude

Jack Sparrow: [as he sees rock-like crabs] Now we're being followed by rocks.Never heard that


Go to Stephenie Meyer's page if you want a better explanation.

She'd be biased though, wouldn't she? Authors are usually too close to their writing/characters to see flaws. That's what editors are for. Whatever my problems with the books are, I have to respect the author for not letting success got to her head. *coughcoughlkhcough*


Do you hear the people sing?


They are planning on making a movie of Twilight, by MTV, which means it will most likely turn out bad.

On a side note, I think New Moon is one of the worst books I have ever read.

And guys? If you criticise the site, try to do ir constructively. Spam just crowd up the guestbook.

formerly fantasyauthor

Better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.


New Moon was definetly slow moving but as before, Meyer's charecterization makes you fall deeper in love than before. Did you happen to go to Stephenie Meyer's website to see who she would choose (if she could) for the roles, if only some of the fans could make the movie. But I doubt if will be made soon, I mean cant they sometimes buy movie rights to a book and then wait for years to make it or smthing.


i've read both books. i consider myself to be an adequate judge of a book's potential to be interesting. while i agree that New Moon was slower than the first book i thought the way stephenie meyer described the main character's heartbreak and pain was vivid. if your like any other human being on the planet, you've had your heart broken before. i could relate to what she had written. i read that book compulsivley for months. i found it, to a certain point, to be very honest.

of course, i respect all of your opinions and views.
and i agree when you say that the movie won't live up to the book.


I agree with you.The aurthor does an excellent job of discribing Bella's heartbreak.It almost made me sad to read those parts.And usually the middle book in a trilogy(if this is a trilogy)is more boring and slow than the others.


Twilight, was better than New Moon in terms of quality, though I don't like either one. But New Moon was horrible, mainly because of how selfish and small-minded Bella was. Edward leaves her, and she succumbs to catatonia, disregarding everyone around her: her father, the people at her school who tried to make her feel welcome- everyone. And then she has the gall to wonder why they aren't talking to her anymore. I know a lot of girls in real life who throw over their friends when a guy comes sniffing around, but that doesn't make it right- and it doesn't make for a character I want to sympathise with. And then she gets even worse. She strikes up a friendship with Jacob, who she knows has feelings for her, and uses him to put herself in danger (and has she thought about how a potential accident might affect her parents?) so she can hear Edward's voice. She even considers hitting on him, just because she has no boyfriend now. Rebound isn't an excuse- it's been what, five months since Edward left? She wants to use Jacob for the sake of having a relationship she knows would be a sham. And as soon as Alice comes back, she ditches Jacob, and runs off on her father (who's also dealing with the death of a friend) to save Edward from his own selfish stupidity. And now she's planning on leaving her human family and friends to become a vampire. Does she care about anything besides Edward?

formerly fantasyauthor

Better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.


to an extent, i agree.

i don't know why i feel so compelled to defend these books, but i do.

he was her one, true, only love.
i think his departure would allow some degree of irrationality.


I've not yet read those books, so this is not directly meant for the character herself, but just in general. There's a difference between irrational and being a self-centered princess and sacrificing everyone else because of your own pain. What was described as that character's actions have definitely gone past the allowed degree of irrationality. There is more to life than romantic love. I say this as someone happily engaged but once had her heart broken years ago.

See No Evil - it's like King Kong meets Friday the 13th.


You had a huge point there Viorica,but dont forget,if she did'nt become a vampire,than those other vampires form Italy would kill her.But I gusse that's Edward's fault.And I do think Bella is really selfish and sometimes stupid.


Edward's fault. Exactly! If either of them used their heads for once, they wouldn't get into half of these messes!
I really don't get what she sees in Edward. If someone could explain it to me . .

formerly fantasyauthor

Better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.


I have actually been wondering that lately. I mean, what is so special about Edward, no doubt in unbelievably good looks. But their has to be something more to a person than that...right?

Recently Scene Movies:
Far and Away: 3.5/10
Bridge to Terabithia: 7/10


Plus in New Moon which I hated was when she saw him again and EVERYTHING in the ENTIRE WORLD made sense from there on out. She wasn't mad at him or anything. She became his lapdog the instant she saw him.


yes. now that upset me.

they just fell back into their old patterns like no one had ever been hurt.

though. i do know how she felt, more than anyone will ever realize. its not something you do on purpose, you try your hardest to get better so everyone else won't know how hurt you are inside.

sometimes, like in her case, it was just too hard.


So it's okay to inflict pain on others because you yourself were hurt? I myself battled with depression during several of my teen years, over a guy (which was stupid, but most of us are pretty dense during our teen years), but that certainly didn't give me the right to hurt others because of my own suffering.

See No Evil - it's like King Kong meets Friday the 13th.


I really don't get what she sees in Edward.If someone could explane it to me

I have no clue whats so special about Edward.I mean shure he's good looking,but one minute he's trying to stay as far away for Bella as possible,and the next he's hitting on her and there suddenly in love!
The aurthor never really tells why she's in love she just sais that she is.Something I find very strange.


I can't believe how many people on here dislike Twilight and New Moon.
I've never even heard someone say they didn't love them before now!
They have such a following, and Edward's amazing.
I love the books, and I can't wait for 'Eclipse'!

This is why I'm Hot, this is why I'm hot...


Why do you love the books?

formerly fantasyauthor

Better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.


The characters and the characterization are AWESOME.
The plot is great (There's even a love triangle!)
They're beautifully written.
They aren't gratuitous.
I love pretty much everything about the books.

I was uncool long before uncool was cool


Eclipse?so thats what its called!I dont thinks these books are terrible I just enjoy finding faults with things and I can see alot in these books.And I cant wait for eclipse either.


Okay. Everyone needs to stop dissing those BOOKS OR I SWEAR I WILL TURN VAMPIRE ON ALL OF YOU!

First these are my all time favorite books.

Bella loves Edward because she sees something in him that draws her to him, and the same the other way around, and you people need to hold your freakin horses before they break the saddle (heehee that just came out of nowhere)

Anyways, sorry but sometimes people can be so shallow they only see what they want.

Edward feels a need to protect Bella, but at the same time he wants to protect her from himself. Are you all too shallow to understand something that complex? If so you shouldn't read these books because apparently they are way above your level.

Go read Pendragon or something 5th grade.

Clearly Twilight and New Moon is not for some of the people on here, and I could go all day defending these books, but I wouldn't want to waste my time explaining things to people who can't think outside their boxes.

And besides the point, Eclipse will more than likely explain every other minor detail so good day.


Okay. Everyone needs to stop dissing those BOOKS OR I SWEAR I WILL TURN VAMPIRE ON ALL OF YOU!

"Turn vampire"? I'm sorry, what?

Anyways, sorry but sometimes people can be so shallow they only see what they want.

Edward feels a need to protect Bella, but at the same time he wants to protect her from himself. Are you all too shallow to understand something that complex? If so you shouldn't read these books because apparently they are way above your level.

Go read Pendragon or something 5th grade.

Eh, never enjoyed the Pendragon books. And when you start resorting to personal attacks, that's when you lose all credibility in a debate; it's a sure sign of not having a good argument for your case. If you have any rebuttals for the articles on my site, I'd be glad to hear them.

Oh, and re what Kimberly said- there's a fine line between "beautifully written" and "purple prose" and in my opinion, the author crossed it. And as to the characterization- that's one of my biggest problems with the books. The characterization is very black and white- good guys are very, very good, bad guys are evry, very bad, and other characters get very little screentime.

formerly fantasyauthor

Better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.


I found these books all right, but there are some major problems with them.

Like Viorica8957 said, Bella is a self-centered brat who manipulates people around her and only cares about Edward, who's an idiot as well.

Not to mention that there are no gray characters in the book, which is annoying, and the book reads like a thirty year old writer making absolutely no attempt to sound like a teenager would. Oh, and then there's the Mary Sue factor.

Anyway, enough with the personal attacks. It's unbelievably childish.



u guys r going to hate me for this one, but I actually got to meet Stephanie Meyer while i was in Spain. She was wicked nice, and happy that i could speak english! lol, I didnt get to ask her if she was going to let them make a movie out of it.

Jack Sparrow:Why is the rum always gone??


Why would I hate you for that? I don't hate Stephenie Meyer. I just think her writing's crap.

formerly fantasyauthor

Better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.



I wouldn't mind a Twilight movie... but my STRONGEST opinions are...

I wouldn't want any of my classmates to watch it, no offense to those who are reading. Especially if you haven't read the book.


Where would they find a perfect actors/actresses for the roles of the vampires?

Aren't vampires drop-dead-BEAUTIFUL, as in flawless? Every single person would go after them? And so where would the director get people like that? That would totally set me off =[

"Hi ho silver!" -Band of Brothers


Good point. The sheer Mary-Sueism would make it impossible to find good actors. I've heard suggestions that Steven STrait play Jacob, which I don't agree with, because he's one of the few characters I like, and I've seen Strait's movies. The boy couldn't act his way out of a paper bag.

formerly fantasyauthor

Better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.


The only things I've seen him in are Sky High and The Covenant. The Covenant was so badly edited and so odd I can't say anything about his acting because I was too confused, but I loved him in Sky High, so there I disagree.

See No Evil - it's like King Kong meets Friday the 13th.

July 27 - Skinwalkers, finally.


Oh geez. That guy? *shiver*

"Hi ho silver!" -Band of Brothers


o my god...i couldn't STAND Twilight!

*hated Edward
*bella wuz cluless
*too long!
*made vamps look bad
*it was depressing
*why is there an apple on the cover?

I called ur boyfriend gay, and he hit me with his purse!



i dunno it just did

I called ur boyfriend gay, and he hit me with his purse!


The apple symbolizes the forbidden fruit, and forbidden knoweledge.

formerly fantasyauthor

Better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.


They will freakin destory the Twighlight. Hollywood is bad.


I thought the books were really great, and I can understand what everyone says about what Bella sees in Edward.


My real question is what does Edward see in Bella? To me she seems like a whiny little girl who has no kind of life. Also, if Meyers depics Bella as this skinny, pale girl that isn't very pretty, why suddenly does EVERY GUY in Forks want to get with her? It makes no sense. She has at least four guys wanting to get with her.

Sorry if I offended anyone. That wasn't my intent.


Bella is pretty, but in Arizonia the "Pretty girl" is one who tans, gets the plastic surgery for bigger boobs, lipo, etc. The Forks girls are somewhat different, and Bella is a new and pretty girl. Bella's experiance was taken from Stephenie's own experience when she left home for college.
Plus, the story is told in first person, if Bella described herself as be the most beautiful girl on the planet, who honestly would want to read about her? She would be amazingly vain. Instead, she's modest. As for having no life, she lives in a small tiny town with annoying people, other than the awesome Cullens. She's only whiney when Edward won't bite her, in which what girl wouldn't be. All in all however, Bella is quite strong, and one of my favorite characters in fiction. Go to Stephenie Meyer's page if you want a better explanation.


I really enjoyed these books. They are very well written. =)
I love them. The characters are very real.

* <3 *


Twilight and New Moon are both fantastic novels. It took me a week to read twilight, but once that obsession was done I craved more... and so I read New Moon in one day... haha. They are the best books I've ever read. I highly recommend them to anyone and everyone. I can't wait for Eclipse to come out.
But if they make it a movie it might just be craptastic. But I think I'll appreciate it anyway, as long as I can have actors and actresses to relate the characters to in my head. (Makes it easier for me to visualize) :P


Stephenie just updated her movie page actually. The guy she wanted for Carlisle said he wont do anything with Vampires in the script. I personally see Jesse Spencer as Carlisle. Well anyways. MTV is no longer working on the movie but another agency is thinking about it. At Eclipse Prom we had different views on the movie. I personally kinda wanna see it but I dont want the books to get ruined.


Twilight is my favorite book, eh New Moon was a little dissapointing. Don't really have an argument to back up why i like them, but then again nobody really needs a reason to like or dislike anything. Sometimes you just like something, sometimes you don't. lol so don't hate!


Have you read Eclipse? If anyone has, PLEASE tell me if Bella and Edward STAY together?? I like spoilers, so don't hesitate to give stuff away. Its not worth reading if Edward is replaced by someone like Jacob. I HATE him.

Watch out! Insane Death Eater in training here!




Watch out! Insane Death Eater in training here!


I was more fed up with Jacob during Eclipse. I don't know why but it was probably the constant reminding Bella had to give him that she wasn't going to change her mind.

SPOILERS. highlight at own peral. even thou kinda minnor I loved the moment whn Alice was trying to convince Bella to let her plan the wedding. Plus the moments between Bella and Edward were he kept comenting on how terrible her luck was

Beware the exploding, bottle eating mushroom rabbits. they are devils they are


honetly i hated jacob during eclipse i just wanted to go in the book and get a big baseball bat and hit him with

Jack Sparrow: [as he sees rock-like crabs] Now we're being followed by rocks.Never heard that


might need somthing with a bit more strengt tho... how bout a beheading axe? that should do the job ^.^.

Im Bleading, Still Breathing, Im tearing through the pain!


that too. lol

Jack Sparrow: [as he sees rock-like crabs] Now we're being followed by rocks.Never heard that


Do you know when the next one is comming out?

Im Bleading, Still Breathing, Im tearing through the pain!


August 2008

Jack Sparrow: [as he sees rock-like crabs] Now we're being followed by rocks.Never heard that


Thank you... damn it thats near enough the end of my holiday >.<

Im Bleading, Still Breathing, Im tearing through the pain!


No! They'd just ruin it like they did with this movie. Lets hope they don't make those books into movies.


Does anyone else have a problem with the fact that Edward destroys Bella's car to control where she goes, and Jacob forces himself on her, and yet they're both supposed to be considered good romantic leads? Just wondering.


Do you hear the people sing?

Lestatic #4


I just read the whole board and I'm so glad there's people out there who agree that as enthralling as the story is, the leads are just irritating.


I really liked the books, but I don't know WHY, because as above mentioned, the leads are everything I normally don't like. I'm not really into vampires and werewolves, as they freak me out too much. The "love" between Bella and Edwards practically blinds them to everything and everyone around them, and they use it to justify the most bizarre actions. Their whole relationship just seems really unhealthy to me, or it would be if it were in the real world.
Maybe that's why I can ignore all the things I don't like about the books. The irrational elements are like a fairy tale.

But I really enjoyed the books, especially Twilight and Eclipse. I just don't know why. Which makes me sad and confused, because I like knowing why. :-(

Joy is the business of heaven. - C.S. Lewis


okay i love twilight and like eclipse-there is just too much jacob in the book-and hate new moon because 1.)there is way way way too much jacob in it 2.)edward leaves 3.)when edward leaves she has too be friends with jacob and 4.)its really no fun with out edward thereand anyway what does this have too do with blood and chocolate? and they are making a movie out of twilight = D



Ladies(or gentlemen too). I know this is old, and I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet. But you're in the wrong place. This is the "Blood and Chocolate" forum. If you want to discuss Twilight, go to their board.


looks like you got your wish OP

and everyone with any taste has been suffering ever since thanks to the plague that is Twilight

back in 98 I did a titty comedy for Skinemax. Sex Camp, ya remember it?


