MovieChat Forums > Biohazard 4 (2005) Discussion > Where did my money go?

Where did my money go?

I beat the game once and unlocked the infinite rocket launcher, and I started playing the game over again to use the IRL this time, so I grabbed the money you get for killing Saddler, but when I checked my money amount, it wasn't showing that I had the million PTAS you get when you kill Saddler. I guess I could have just hit the buttons too fast, so when I was asked if I wanted to take the million PTAS, I might have hit "No" and then went on with the ending of the game, but I could have sworn I hit "Yes" before finishing the game? I do that a lot with just ammo and herbs...I try to move and take stuff at the same time, and sometimes I accidentally hit the wrong choice! Lol!! I'm almost done with my 2nd time playing, and I'll probably have enough to buy the IRL on my own, before killing Saddler again!! Haha!

I was just curious if anyone else has had this happen when they start another game, when they're sure they took the money after killing Saddler?! Or if it's just because I hurried through after killing Saddler and didn't actually take the money afterall (which is probably what!!

Another question...Is "Separate Ways" any shorter than the normal RE4 game?! I haven't tried playing it yet, but I was just curious! RE4 is a long game...but it's a good one!!

"Captain Sobel...we salute the rank, not the man."~~Major Winters, Band of Brothers


Do you get a million pesetas from him, or just 100.000? It's been a while, but if I remember correctly, the IRL costs exactly one million. And gold doesn't take up any space, so if you make a grab for it, it's yours.

And yes, Separate Ways are much shorter, divided in shorter chapters. Though without going into spoilers, one level gave me something resembling a headache.
"Yahemar! Of course we don't let him go!"


1. We didn't get 1 million for killing Saddler, i think it was only 100.000. And no it can't be you hit "No" when you taking the money because there was no option for money as you can choose yes or no, once you hit "X" to take it, it will be yours. I still remember that you can reach one million after you reaching the castle at the second time you playing it(the hall where they go with ritual and there are big hanging lamp where Leon jumps back and forth) but with condition that you selling all of your weapon that full tuned up from the previous game except of handgun, with that you can get 1 million and get your Infinite Rocket launcher. I don't get it why you guys like the infinite one, it makes the game easier and not challenging anymore. I prefer my handgun and shotgun.
2. Yes Ada's Separate Ways quite shorter than Leon's main game, i remember i beat Ada's Separate Ways only takes two or three hours. There is no tune up option in the merchand and the enemies are quicker too because Ada ran faster than Leon did. The enemies in Ada's Separate Ways same like Leon's professional mode, they're quicker and when you knock them down they get up pretty quick, they also ran faster. Hope this can help you :)
