MovieChat Forums > Biohazard 4 (2005) Discussion > I wish Residen Evil 4 would be based on....

I wish Residen Evil 4 would be based on..Resident evil 4.

Resident Evil 4 is being made but I wish it was based on the game Resident Evil 4. I'm new to Resident Evil, I picked up this game used for about $4 and I'm an instant fan. I never really got into the movies really but I'll get them with netflix and probably try to get some of the other games.

It might be hard to find some of the older ones offline.

The Crush (1993) - 8/10
High School Musical 3:Senior Year - 7/10


They need to make a movie based on RE2 first.


They should have just gone by the games from the beginning, really. I saw the movies before I played any of the games, and I liked them alright (though, now, I've only played 4, but I plan to play more of them). But the games are way better with MUCH better stories.


Well RE 4 is very divisive among RE fans, some don't even consider it an RE game and hate the lack of an Umbrella centric storyline. So basing the movie of it would be risky and would garner a lot of negative attention from fanboys


Well if they based all of them on the games, then there really shouldn't be a problem. It'd be a lot less risky than what they're doing with it now.


Yes and no. If they base the movie on the games, character for character, scene for scene, then only the fans of the games go see the movie. If they base it on an original character with very little RE background but base it in the RE universe then it appeals to a broader audience. But RE isn't a blockbuster franchise domestically its sequels get bankrolled based on foreign box office. If the movies are based on the games the Japanese and Asian markets could support subsequent movies but that doesn't appeal to US studios/investors. I say the only way that 4 RE movies even got made is because of the use of non-game characters/story/environments. A game based RE movie gets the "Mansion Incident" in RE1 and a sequel tops not any more.


... why would adding new characters appeal to more people? How are the original characters not good enough? Harry Potter is based mostly on the books, and plenty of people like it. How should it be different for a video game?

When you add a main character that gets all the attention and can do no wrong, all it becomes is a Resident Evil fanfic (a bad one with a huge Mary Sue problem).


I suppose no,the producer of the film only used the T-virus and zombie base of story as the topic of the movies. Only that no more! Not a chance for the parasites to play in the movie lol.


Because the video games already have the visual element a movie doesn't add anything. A book to film adaptation adds the visual element. And Harry Potter is a very bad example, Harry Potter is the lead character over all the books, which Resident Evil character is the lead throughout all the games? The producers and director were thinking long term when they created a main character that could last through several movies instead of adding an new lead game character every movie.


Why does there need to be one main character? I think people can handle having multiple focus characters instead of an entirely new one that has nothing to do with the source material even from movie to movie. But say that's not true. Say there absolutely has to be one central character. Maybe we could, I don't know...use an already existing one? Inserting Chris Redfield or Leon Kennedy into all of the games is much better than making a new character that steals the spotlight from everyone.

I just don't understand how being true to the source material could be a bad thing.


I prefer they change the main character for each video game, focus in one character in four RE video games must be boring. But i like they used Leon in RE2 and use Jill in RE3 and used Leon again in RE4 though, just no repeating please.
Anyway they only have 4 main characters or even 6 in the video games; Christ, Jill, Leon, Claire, and Carlos and Ada(Carlos and Ada are exception). They used Christ and Jill in RE1 and then Leon and Claire in RE2 and Jill again in RE3 and Leon and Ada in RE4 and Christ and Jill in RE5. So i think they crossed it for each serie and make it different so we wont bored


Exactly. If it works for the video games, why can't it work for the movies?


The movies were focus on Alice only, a human who injected by T-virus and instead of make her become a zombie it makes her stronger instead seems promising in making sequel, maybe that's what the story writter and the producer of the movies thought.
But come on the movie lovers who don't know about the video games must like that story but for us who know the video games and in fact we knew the video games first before the movie must don't like it and feel irritating by Alice presence.
In the first RE movie the producer was really ignoring RE video game's characters, there was no RE1 characters in that first RE1, they just clipped out the story about where the T-virus first leaked out and that's true based from the story of RE1 video game, a mansion that has access to the underground secret lab was same too. BUT we didn't see Chrit and Jill in that movie! They really wanted to take the story only and banished the characters of the original RE1 video game!
And in RE apocalypse they began to royal with the original characters of RE, the presenced of Jill and Carlos at least makes the fans of the video game happy, BUT STILL Alice was better than Jill WHO IS in the video game is kick ass!!



It isn't an issue of what the audience can handle but what the studio can bank roll. Once they made Alice the star they couldn't go back and make a game character the star. No studio is going to bank roll a sequel without a lead returning. They can either a make a movie for fanboys and get a niche equilvalent box office or expand the story and not make it so esoteric and thereby expanding the box office, but they can't do both.
