The movies were focus on Alice only, a human who injected by T-virus and instead of make her become a zombie it makes her stronger instead seems promising in making sequel, maybe that's what the story writter and the producer of the movies thought.
But come on the movie lovers who don't know about the video games must like that story but for us who know the video games and in fact we knew the video games first before the movie must don't like it and feel irritating by Alice presence.
In the first RE movie the producer was really ignoring RE video game's characters, there was no RE1 characters in that first RE1, they just clipped out the story about where the T-virus first leaked out and that's true based from the story of RE1 video game, a mansion that has access to the underground secret lab was same too. BUT we didn't see Chrit and Jill in that movie! They really wanted to take the story only and banished the characters of the original RE1 video game!
And in RE apocalypse they began to royal with the original characters of RE, the presenced of Jill and Carlos at least makes the fans of the video game happy, BUT STILL Alice was better than Jill WHO IS in the video game is kick ass!!