scariest/creepiest enemy
who was the scariest/creepiest enemy? i think it was the Regenerators. the way they walk is so effin scary, especially if you're playing in the dark.
sharewho was the scariest/creepiest enemy? i think it was the Regenerators. the way they walk is so effin scary, especially if you're playing in the dark.
I found the Iron Maidens slightly more creepy than plain ol' regenerators.
And its true, the garrador is more than a little disturbing as well.
This is kind of cheating, but the Dr. Salvadors in the waterwold section of mercenaries. Those giant bastards with the double-bladed chainsaws. As soon as I hear those chainsaws start up in waterworld I start running. The whole sack over the head creeps me out too.
I am Bizarro Saints!
I found the Regenerators pretty creepy 'til I heard 'em breathing, that just made me crack up. Dr. Salvador scares the fck outta me though, that guy is HUGE!!! The first time I played through the Novistadoras creeped me out a bit, never knew where the little bastards were 'til they spit acid on my face
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For me it was the dogs. I wasn't expecting them, and then one of them ate my face off and the blood was dripping from its mouth, creeped me out.
It would have to be one of Salazar's monsters that followed Leon down in that spikey pit. the one that kind of hangs from the ceiling and tries to stab him. Plus the music made it worse. but it was a pretty cool looking monster. whoever drew that has good talent.
The Blind guy!
i wish the ring had never come to me.
The chainsaw peeps. I get into defensive mode once I hear that revvin'.
shareThe only two enemies I found scary were the dogs and the dual bladed chainsaw dudes, which although weren't in the story mode, they really should have been. Even in the morning setting of the Waterworld, hearing them made me fear them after the first time one of 'em sliced my head clean off without even trying. And nobody but Krauser can defeat those dudes.
shareRegenerator!! You better have enough stock of rifle bullets! And the blind man with claws! We have to shoot his back which is suck! And of course the double chainsaw man,he was big and running as fast as Leon! Creepy!!!
shareRegenerators for sure! Their breathing is so creepy, as is when you piss them off enough to make them run at you!
Look down, and show, some mercy if you can...
Still not mention when he came closer to you and bite your shoulder! OMG i was shocked,it was really terrifying! And your health meter decreasing quite fast too!
shareAhh, yeah, that too! Even if I shook the Regenerator off, my health would still flash yellow or red. Damn!
Look down, and show, some mercy if you can...
Did you know how to defeat him? Did you used the scope and combine it to your rifle? Sorry it just i wonder why did your health still turned yellow if you knew how to defeat it
shareThat was when I was playing RE4 for the first time ever. I knew how to defeat it with the scope, but it was the very first Regenerator where you don't have the scope yet.
Look down, and show, some mercy if you can...
Oh yes i know that,i was actually threw a grenade to him and ran passing him and i'll finish him later after i get the scope :). I forgot how many bullets i've been wasting in the very first time lol
shareOh God. lol. I know what you mean. If I don't have the scope now, I just throw grenades at it or use a mine thrower. Actually yesterday, I was playing RE4 and made it to the Regenerators. I just ran past the first one and killed it with the scope later. :D
Look down, and show, some mercy if you can...
Yes me too :) i didn't want to let him alive,i was using something that explode to make him 'dance' to his back and i ran passing him and get the scope and time to kill them and get the money 5000 for each lol. I came back to the room which we got the card key for the freezer room and kill him!! And the other two outside :). I could finally breathed free lol. Btw are you playing professional mode? I already beated it :)
shareAhh. Makes a lot of sense. lol. I do that, too. I just run past all the Regenerators now. :)
I tried professional mode, but I'm stuck at the Salazar statue in 4-4 'cause I always die in the part where Leon has to sprint. So I just decided to play another game in Normal mode.
Look down, and show, some mercy if you can...
Oh yes that time when Leon being chased by Salasar statue. I had died many times when i first try professional mode,but should we give up?? No we shouldn't so are you. Believe me we can beat it!
shareThanks! :) It's good to know I'm not the only one that was stuck on that part for a while.
Actually, good news! I'm past that part now and I'm up to 5-4. :D
Witness the power!
See :) everything is possible,what do you think the producer thinks when he makes it? Its beatable of course lol. Hey do you know what is the different between RE4 gamecube version and PS2 version? I heard the beginning was different.
shareYeah. lol. Hopefully, I'll finally beat the game on Pro after a while.
Really? The beginning is different? I never knew that. I'm not sure if there are any differences between the GC and the PS2 versions.
Witness the power!
I saw some pics of screen play somewhere and i see Leon is walking in a house with 3rd person view,looks like it was an even before Leon went to Europe. The house was different from the houses in RE4 PS2. Try to google it! Btw did you finished Ada's Separate Away too?
shareHmm. I'll check that out!
Yep. I've completed Separate Ways, Assignment Ada, and I've unlocked all the Mercenaries characters. :) How about you?
Witness the power!
Yes i've finished all that too. I remember when i play Assignment Ada and fight the Krauser at the end,it was tough do you agree? We had no shotgun to blast and Magnum gun to blow powerly,i used TMP to defeat him,finally got him down with all ammo out and out of first aid spray too with my health bar red!!! Wow i said to my self 'what a chance' lol. I mean i could die man because i out of everything but luckyly he lose in that time,that was how i defeat him lol.
shareOMG yeah! At first, when Krauser came out, I was like, "Krauser? WTF? I killed you twice already!" I thought it was tough, too, because Ada didn't have a knife. I tried using the TMP and grenades, but he kept killing me, so eventually, I just used the rifle and kept going back and forth between the door so that Krauser would charge towards me from the other end and I killed him like that.
That's pretty amazing how you defeated him with almost no health and the bar flashing red, though.
Witness the power!
Yeah it was almost impossible but every game is beatable so we just need to be patient if we failed. So you used rifle to defeated him i see,i think rifle is slow and he was so quick like a shadow so if you used that to kill him you're good :). I used TMP because it was fast and burst repeatly and continually,even it wont give big damage though. Because its fast and bursting very fast too,we can aim up and down while shooting faster to get him,i was aimed to his head all the time,i bursted all to his head lol,when we get his head he was backed off a bit and i didn't wasting my time i bursting TMP to his head again and again lol. But he was so quick and when he was running toward me i missed often,when he was nearby i'll say thanks to dodge system because we can dodge his attack easily lol,just press R1 L1 or square cross. But i hate it when he was tackling our legs and make us lay on the floor,i mostly lost my health bar because of that,there is no dodge system for that one :( we just can go backward if we were lucky. I never used knife when i facing him,so is that useful if Ada has knife?? So slow do draw one and make less damage too.
shareYeah. I found it pretty easy to dodge all his attacks, too. Though I noticed he moved faster in Assignment Ada than in Separate Ways. Like you, I mostly lost my health when he would knock me down to the ground. I used a knife against him in Separate Ways, and it only took a few slashes to kill him. For some reason, the knife is so much more powerful with Krauser than with other enemies. It does the same amount of damage a magnum does.
Witness the power!
Really?! You kidding,right? How come the knife effect same like the Magnum does??? I mean the magnum was the most powerful gun. But i never tried that though. I remember when fighting Krauser in Separate Way,he jumped from place to another place so if we enough do damage to him Ada would automatically shoot her graple gun and slide to Krauser. I remember i was greedy and picked up all the items in that 'tower' before Ada slide to the another one lol,and then so the other one i'll pick up all items before i give him damage :). And the end Ada says 'that's big you have there' lol. I know she was mean to his blade but it also for other 'means' lol
shareI'm not sure why it's so powerful with Krauser. Did you knife him in the regular game when you played as Leon, too? Lol, I always pick up the items in Separate Ways, too, before knifing Krauser. XD And yeah, Ada's hilarious; I picked up on the double entendre in that statement lol.
Witness the power!
Yes i did used my knife when facing Krauser in Leon's,but i just use that knife for fighting him when we were have to chasing him from place to place(when he was still not transform to his parasite). When i was fighting him in the top of the tower(he transformed) i didn't use knife at all. In professional mode you can't kill him without buy a rocket launcher OR without tuning up your magnum to full,HE WAS SO HARD TO DEFEAT in professional mode,he was more powerful! I always died because running out of time and the tower explode back there. Have you reach that yet?
shareYep, I beat Krauser on Pro. IMHO, I felt he was easier than I thought he was going to be. I did die the first few times I fought him, mostly 'cause he delivered a lot more damage than on Normal mode.
Witness the power!
Wow congratulation! What did you use to defeat him? Knife?? I think he was so tough. Even if we shooted one rocket launcher to him,he was still stand and we have to finish him with magnum or powerful shotgun but it also needs sometimes though. So how did you defeated him?
shareThanks! :) I mostly used the knife when he was close to me, but when he was further away I used the magnum. How did you defeat him?
Witness the power!
I used one rocket launcher or full tuned up magnum to defeat him. As i said one rocket launcher still not enough to laying him on the ground so i had to continue it with magnum. But if your magnum was already full tuned up then you don't need to buy a rocket launcher. I love Broken Butterfly it was more powerful than Killer 7,if you tune Broken Butterfly up until you can't go up any further you will realize that Killer is awaaaay weaker than that Broken,Broken is the most powerful magnum.
Btw move on to the Salasar's right hand monster(when we fight him in underground sewer),i defeated him using that Broken Butterfly! Did you defeated him too? We could just wait for elevator and go up,though. Without defeat him.
Yeah, I almost never use the Killer 7. I like the Broken Butterfly so much better.
Oh, man, that guy was creepy! At first I tried using the Broken Butterly to defeat him, but he kept killing me, so I eventually ended up using the Rocket Launcher.
Witness the power!
Actually he was not that tough,first when we were in the control room where Leon and him locked up until the door released,when we were going to the door he would jump and stand in front of us,well i ran passed him and just running around that room until the door released,the dodge system was easy too,just run and dodge and again and again,and then i used the gas,knock down it until that creature turn white and i'll shoot like a hell with Broken. After the door released it was more easier outside,there were gas in the way and two others in rooms,so just run and dodge and knock down the gas and shoot him like hell. If your Broken powerful enough you would be able to defeat him and he will leaves treasure for you which we can combine with the crown! Did you defeat him too?
shareI beat him a long time ago, yeah. I might try just running around and dodging him, though, to see what happens if you try to go back up the elevator.
Witness the power!
What did you use to defeat him? Broken too? Btw have you play RE5?
shareI used the Rocket Launcher 'cause I said how I found him hard to beat at the time. :)
I haven't played RE5, but I really want to. You?
Witness the power!
Yes i'd like to play RE5 too but the console and the tv flat set are really wasting money lol,you can get a laptop with that money. I heard the main story of RE5 back to the zombie disaster not the parasite anymore,is that true?
shareI heard something about the virus in RE5 bearing a striking resemblance to Las Plagas, but other than that, I think it does go back to the zombie disaster.
Witness the power!
Yes i think you're right that the RE5 still had something to do with Las Plagas because i saw in some pics of the scene that they're quick and handling weapon too like fella in RE4,and there was a man with chainsaw too! Btw why i said it still had thing to do with Las Plagas is because zombies don't take weapon and they're slow too but these African is quick! The setting was in Africa,right?
shareYep, it takes place in Africa.
Witness the power!
And i read RE4 was better than RE5 but we couldn't make sure of it until we try it lol. Do you like Silent Hill too?
shareI read that too. lol. I'm sure they're both good in their own ways. :)
I've never played any of the Silent Hill games, but I've seen the movie it's based off of.
Witness the power!
Silent Hill is good too,if you liked RE series in PSone then you will like Silent Hill. But this game weak in action but good in puzzle. There are 6 series of Silent Hill in PS2 and i just bought the new Silent Hill Scattered Memories recently and i'm playing on it. And damn! I still haven't watch the movie :(
shareThat monster that goes after Leon.
shareThe Regenerators were probably the scariest of all. Their raspy, uneven breathing is just plain creepy, and they move in such a weird way that you don't notice how close they're getting. Freaked me out when I blew one's legs off and was like, "Ha! Not so tough now, eh?" Only to have it actually attack me faster without legs, jamming it's freakish face into the camera to gnaw on my neck.
The Verduga was pretty creepy, too. Always coming out of nowhere and such. And the nature of the Garradors was quite creepy and scary, too. And yeah, the Super Salvadors in the Mercenaries waterworld always got my heart rate going when they revved up the saws, because they can run and decapitate you without so much as a minor hesitation in between.
Garrador (blind guy) scares me... his slow walking, his screams, how crazy he gets. And Regenerators. Iron Maiden too because of its twitching...
The light that you could never see
it shines inside, you can't take that from me