Leon or Chris

Who would win in a 1 on 1 battle. I would have to go with Leon because he always kicks ass.


i second that

The Axeman


Leon, all the way!
+Last movies watched:
Body of lies 7.0/10
Madagascar 2 9/10




I haven't played RE4 yet, gonna play it after i've finished RE3.

But if you're talking about RE2 leon vs Chris. Chris wins hands down since he's a STARS member while Leon's a rookie.

But the strongest human imo is HUNK (Wesker is not really a human)


Well, Chris has police/SWAT training, which is no little feat, whereas Leon has police, and the nifty special agent training which he uses to death in RE4 and Degeneration.
Now, i think we should see what Chris is up to in RE5, and what kinds of moves he pulls. He is older and just as (if not MORE than) experienced as Leon, and i bet he has come up with a few new moves in all this time.
Now, if it comes to liking the character, while i like Chris all right, i like Leon better. However my favorite and my definitive RE character is and will always be Jill :)


Leon all the way.



as he can punch up a boulder and smash someone's head open, I'm pretty sure he can do the same to Leon....no disrespect to him, I rather liked him in 4.


If we go with training chris all the way.
