I'm addicted to this game. There's two things I'd change though
This is by far my favorite of the series. Nothing like the sound of a revving chainsaw and a witchy sounding scream to get your blood pumping.
If I could change two things, this would be what I'd change.
1. Be able to buy ammunition from the Merchant. He's a great addition, and I love the added fire power. I know you can get more bullets updating capacity, but it's a Catch-22. If you upgrade the capacity, but not the weapon's power, you still use up the bullets fairly quickly, which definitely works against you when you're first starting playing. It's not as bad in normal, but it kicks your @ss in professional mode.
2. If you don't have the gun, no more bullets. After beating the game, and getting the better weaponry, I don't even keep the handgun anymore, so it's sometimes frustrating getting endless rounds of ammo for a gun I'm not even in possession of. I still collect the bullets and sell them to the merchant, but it would be cool if after losing the handgun, you only got bullets for the guns you had.
Still, VERY minor quibbles in what I consider the best RE game ever made.
I love to love my Lisa.