Not aging well

I bought this game having heard so many good things about it -- and I have to say, I'm disappointed. I'm sure it was great at the time, and those who played it then probably still get a lot out of it now, but the controls and actions are incredibly awkward to handle.

Admittedly I haven't played that much of it (the controls were annoying me too much) so I'm guessing that it gets better as it goes along? That, or it is just dated.



I'm in total contrast and disagreement with both of you. Are you playing this crap on the PC, btw? On a personal note, I felt the controls were smooth as butter. And I feel the control mechanisms is what holds a candle to its infectious gameplay value. way better than those crappy tank controls from the PS1 RE games. First time I played the game it was very easy to get a handle of. By the first time you enter the Village I fully adapted and understood the control scheme and how to utilize it through spatial reasoning. Especially the handy 360 degree turn to evade out of crowds of enemies.

IMO, the game is too addicting and looks just as sharp as most games that come out today. I still play this moreso than RE5. I've beaten it over one hundred times and I still never get bored of it. it always had a certain flair to it that RE5 couldn't muster even with its longer Chapter levels.

Maybe you guys just have crappy hand-eye-coordination ability or I'm just a naturally gifted player.



I guess it depends on the player. Personally, I found the controls counter-intuitive, and the camera very slow and clunky. I had the same problem with RE5 but I suppose they had made some tweaks to improve the system by the time it was released.

Other than that, I find the set-up and the voice acting quite cheap and cheesy, but to be fair, I think I set my expectations too high. The other games were also like that but very fun for it.


I agree. Superb game with smooth controls.


After noy having played it for years, I found the controls kind of frustrating in the HD version for the 360. Once I changed them to type II, however, it's much more fluid. I think it has aged well and is still the best of the series.


I don't know what you're playing on, but I played it when it came out on the GameCube. It took a little bit, but got used to the controls quite easily. As a whole, this game still holds up to today's standards, in my opinion. Definitely a wonderful game!


i play it on the Gamecube every couple of years and the controls don't bother me at all. i find the re5 and re6 controls annoying though.


I think the controls are great and its aged very well. By far the best RE game IMO.


I like the controls

Now is the end of days and I am the Reaper:Silent hill

