MovieChat Forums > Biohazard 4 (2005) Discussion > Saddler easiest Boss in the game?

Saddler easiest Boss in the game?

He didnt kill me once. Mendez beat the hell out of me & Verdugo gave me a hard time (although i didnt kill him, i just ran & avoided him). I know you have much better weapons to fight him with then the previous & im very tight with ammo (spot th RE vetran!), but i was a tad disappointed that i managed to take him down with minimal effort.

Forever S.M.G
U Cant C Me


He was the easiest for me too. I had a crapload of mines though, Salazar/knife fight probably gave me the hardest time..


Yeah, he was disappointingly easy. I found all the bosses in the game a little too easy but I never expected Saddler, the last one, to be such a cakewalk. Even Salazar's dogs put up a greater fight than him.


He was the easiest, Ironic right?


He is age may be catching up to him and thus making him weaker. Don't use Las Plagas as an excuse cause technically we don't know how strong it makes you...only turns you into a 'John Carpentar's The Thing'.


He was easy, but as for the easiest? I'd have to go with Verdugo only if however, you have a rocket-launcher. You can freeze him and blast him, then he will just shatter, done in like ten seconds, lol.

Krauser is pretty easy too, the knife owns the Hell out of him.

They will say that I have shed innocent blood...what's blood for, if not for shedding? - Candyman


Yeah he was easy to beat and plus we got several helps at the place to knock him. Well i think Capcom wants to make sure we can finish the game. RE3's final boss was also piece of cake!



Its pretty much tradition for each game in the series to end with a quick fight involving the bad guy on the business end of an air-dropped rocket launcher.


Agreed. I beat him in one shot, the only time that happened. I thought Salazar was freakishly hard, but that's just me because I played it on the PC and the button-mashing to dodge the tentacles literally drove me mad because it was so distracting I couldn't focus on killing Salazar himself. I ended up just shooting the tentacles to make it retreat, buying me some time.

Great game though, revolutionary in terms of third person shooter.

You fight like a dairy farmer.
How appropriate. Cue my username.




Saddler- Minethrower to his human body and girders drop him in no time.
Krauser- all you need is your knife (seriously)
U3, "IT"- Broken Butterfly or Handcannon. Rocket Launcher if you feel like.
Salazar- Magnum to eye then TMP to Salazars body when he shows himself. Repeat 2-3 times and he goes down.
Verdugo- Liquid Nitrogen barrel to freeze him followed by rocket launcher blast kills him in one shot. Or 9-10 maxed out hand cannon blasts.
Mendez "big cheese" -the Matilda owns him. Just stand in one place and empty bullets into him til he drops. It'll be done in seconds.
