I'm Confused . .
It was only recently that I discovered PUSHER, and was very impressed with Kim Bodnia's riveting performance as Frank, as well as the entire cast. Director Refn's gritty technique and hand-held cinema verite camera work brought early Scorcese (esp. MEAN STREETS) and Tarantino to mind, but not in the 'copycat' sense.
I haven't seen BLEEDER yet, but was under the impression that was the sequel to PUSHER.
Now, we have PUSHER II. Noticed that Bodnia isn't listed in the casting credits. Does this mean he was killed off, as the ending of the first film heavily suggests? Of course, his fate still isn't entirely clear, and that is a good ambiguity for you to ponder.
I also wasn't aware of their falling out during BLEEDER, and if he was then 'written out' (killed off?) of PUSHER II. Then I heard that no. 2 might be a prequel.
Thus, I'm confused. Can anyone clear this mystery up for me? Essentially, what happened to Frank?
Also, PUSHER III is further down the line. Any info on that?
PUSHER I should be given the 'art house' U.S. release, since there would be a substantial audience for it (esp. Scorcese and Tarantino fans), but sub-titles and dubbing unfortunately poses problems for some. Film students and independents should pay close note to Refn's movies. Am also curious as to what PUSHER's budget was. I'm always impressed by filmmakers who can get great results for little money.