MovieChat Forums > Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2007) Discussion > One of the most under rated and unique m...

One of the most under rated and unique movies ever.

I love strange movies that are done right. And wow, this one was done right. The visuals were amazing, the story amazing, the unique aspect of it amazing.

To each their own, but for the life of me I can't understand how anyone could dislike this movie.

Anyone that is sick of cookie cutter Hollywood comic book movies and is reading this debating whether to rent it or not, I can't recommend it more strongly.


If you want utter brilliance, read the book.


The movie is amazing...

This has somehow made its way into my top 10 of all time.

I jump at the opportunity to show this film to others and observe their reactions and then discuss the film.

I am a blood and gust horror fan to the core but can deeply appreciate something that seem more meaningful with a well written story.


I am a blood and gust horror fan to the core but can deeply appreciate something that seem more meaningful with a well written story.
Just curious--you don't consider this film horror do you? You didn't actually say that, but I was curious if you did.

I was telling a friend that for a murder film, there is very little actual gore.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


Having read the book in the mid 80s...I didn't think it was possible to turn it into a film,but it turned out to be a masterpiece.There is no other film like it.


I loved this movie! Tell me more like it if you please...!


I had put off seeing this for ages. But I am glad I have finally watched it. I had a feeling it might be one of those films that are thought provoking yet boring at times, but it's really not. This film will hold your attention from start to finish. The ending is kind of crazy, but I love it.

How Many Roads Must A Man Walk Down Before He Admits Hes lost?


Without a single ounce of doubt, one of the best movies of the last decade.


It's really a great movie - I read the book a while ago, but the film really did a good job of bringing it to life, especially considering how hard it must be to convey the many concepts of scent through a visual medium. It had the same kind of feeling as the book, though I did think the book felt more gruesome and tangible at times.

But the movie was beautiful - the cinematography was totally divine in places. The acting was pretty excellent too.

It's definitely one of the best adaptations I've ever seen, and a very under-rated/under-viewed movie.

I'm Dexter Morgan. I... can't think of anything clever to say.


this really does go under the radar.
Most people don't know about it, Most people i talk to, probably 90 percent of people i mention this to have no idea what I am talking about.

The movie was never widely released or anything, and doesn't have a lot of big actors, so I can see why.

As for the people bashing it, I think it is quite stupid. You don't have to sympathize with the guy and yeah the killing of the girls was messed up, But people that are saying this movie was "disturbing" and "Awful" make it sound like
they have never ever in their lives watch a horror movie or anything with killers.

I don't really get the hate, I've see way worst movies than this one when it comes to the violence and the killing. This movie didn't even had any blood or gore or anything. the hate is ridiculous.

for me this movie is really amazing. It is beautiful to look at, It feels like I am watching a painting move. Feels like a painting come to life or something. It seriously stimulates the vision.
I like the story as well, the main character is weird and creepy, But I love seeing how he makes the perfumes at first, and I love seeing how all the characters interact with him, it was a very interesting movie.

the music is the best part. Probably the most beautiful score I've heard.

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
