MovieChat Forums > North Country (2005) Discussion > movies related to this one

movies related to this one

Hey guys!
I need your opinion on something. I've been looking for movies related to this one. and I'd like to know what you guys thought of the following:

1. Mom at sixteen- Looks good to me. I love lifetime movies

2. Fifteen and Pregnant- looks k. I would have liked to see a trailer though

3. American girl- Sure. I love a good comedy

4. Saved- This was recommended to me by a friend so maybe.

5. For keeps- Why not?

So If you have seen any of these movies and would like to give me your input on them please do so. I loved North Country. Any movie that's realistic. I'm definitely going to see number 1! Also I felt that the teacher that raped Josie should have lost his teaching license. How do they know that he didn't do that to other kids later on? That's just awful. Josie really should have told someone. Even if Bobby refused to testify she still would have had physical evidence and DNA after her baby was born.


For a funny movie: Riding In Cars With Boys (Drew Barrymore, Steven Zahn) -- about a young girl in 1960's who gets pregnant at 15 ...

For serious, will make you angry: "The Accused" (Jodie Foster) -- makes my blood boil!


I know the movies recommended by IMDB dont mean anything cause most of them never relate to the selected movie but for North Country it suggested Erin Brockvich. Its sorta similar because its about one woman who stood up for what she believed in and became famous because of it. its a success story about following what u think is right and never give up. i just bought North Country on dvd cause it actually looks very good. I liked Erin Brockovich mainly for Julia Roberts though ;)
