The movie was junk.

And not because there was no good acting in it... or the directing and screenwriting was crap either.

I understand that it wasn't a straight documentary, but most of the movie is false, made up or unsubstantiated.

It was just normal hazing. Dumping over port-a-potties?? *beep* we did that all the time in the Army. That is why I always took my bayonet with me. If one of those women took some mace or bear repellent in the jon or had it with her when she was "attacked"... it wouldn't happen again.

In real life most of the women did in fact join her... AFTER SHE WON and they wanted some of the prize money.

There was no rape by a male teacher with a teary confession by THE coworker that was causing most of the trouble and who just so happened to witness the rape in his youth. On the stand she claimed that it was date-rape. So she told her old school father with his old world beliefs that she didn't know who the father was because she felt that would be better than telling her parents that it was date-rape??? And she waited to tell the truth until 15 years later when she was in court where it would sound better than admitting that while still in school she had so many sexual partners that she had no idea who it could be????

The protagonists in the movie are women, the story was written by two women, it was directed by a woman.... I think that the men of the world should sue those women for sexual harassment, this whole movie is just one big make believe man hating session.

I'm sorry if the director and the two women that wrote the book are so fugly that they have to turn to other women for action... its not the fault of mankind. It doesn't give them cause to make up a bunch of garbage and throw the title "Based on a True Story" on it. How can they say "Based on a True Story"???? Okay what was true in the story? 1) There was a mining company, 2)There was a lawsuit, 3).... okay so there wasn't a number 3! There was only 2 truths in the story. Okay I'm exaggerating a little. But if you take the things that are true on one side.... and on the other put everything that was false, wrong, unsubstantiated or just plain made up..... the second side would outweigh the first at least 10-1.
All the he-women men haters out there... GET A LIFE.


It didn't say "Based on a true story." It said "Inspired by a true story." There is a difference.

Case closed.


Since you brought up "hazing", I repeat what I've replied to another post:

You're basically saying it's common practice among male co-workers to call each other the male equivalent of "slut" (and worse), smear excrements on their bathroom walls, grab each other by the crotch, choke each other, masturbate onto each others clothes, etc., etc. It's all in good fun, really, and women working in such places just need to develop a sense of humor.


Hazing? No, it's called sexual harrassment.
Hazing is what frat boys do, not grown men who should know better. Also, hazing is NOT part of a new job. Where would you ever get that idea from? You must have had some crappy jobs (excuse the pun).
You sound like a total misogynist.
I just hope that one of your loved ones isn't harrassed one day. Are you going to claim that she deserved it?
As for your assertion that these women should have carried mace around w. them...who carries mace to work??? Yeah, it wouldn't have happened again, b/c the woman would have been arrested for assault.
What is this....1955??


To add to my last thought: PERHAPS rather than having these women carrying mace to work, their male co-workers should REFRAIN from harrassing them? Why should the women change their behavior to suit unprofessional male behavior. Total BS. Way to blame the victim.


I'm not man-hater, but I've gotta say thank GOD for sexual-harrassment policies in workplaces. Why should any woman (or any PERSON for that matter??) have to carry mace to work to protect themselves from their COWORKERS??? That is just ridiculous to even suggest as a potential solution.

I liked this movie, if you just ignore that it is "inspired by" a true story, and view it as a MOVIE, it's not so bad. Preachy at times, but all-in-all the story was good, the relationship between the mother and her kids was realistic, and some of the moments between the women and their male co-workers was just cringe-worthy. Personally, I'm very glad that sexual harrassment suits like that one have been filed & won so that I don't ever have to deal with events like that in my workplace.

This looks like Manbearpig Central!!


I agree, Jerryripple! In fact, at my elementary school, where 95% of the teachers are women, we make sure that all the new male teachers (the few that there are) know their place in the pecking order. We leave boxes of Tampax in their mailboxes, for example. Sometimes we take the Tampaxes out of their wrappers and hang them in the doorway of a male teacher's classroom. The kids, especially the fifth graders, find this hilarious, especially when we stick a maxi pad on his back for good measure! We also wait until a male teacher is in the Xerox room by himself, then we sneak up on him, lock the door, and try to stick a buttplug up his you-know-what (an older, mannish, unattractive teacher is assigned this task of course, and she makes sure to eat a head of garlic beforehand). Then we leave him there and lock the door from the outside, so that he will be late to class and get in trouble. Once, we decided to have some extra fun with this one guy (who had the nerve to take a kindergarten job, if you can believe it.) We called his house and left a long, hysterical answering machine message about the pregnancy test being positive. His wife was livid and he almost got divorced because of it, only the a$$hole had to complain to the principal, who told his wife what really happened. After that, we decided to fix him for good. He got USED Tampaxes hanging in his doorway the morning after he ratted on us, and we wrote "RAT" and "FAG" on the wall with feces. We also planted a stash of gay porn in his classroom, at his house, and on both his work and home computers, and enrolled him for a life time membership in the North American Association for Man-Boy Love. Since he had no sense of humor, he quit and filed an EEOC complaint against us. The nerve of him. It was all in good fun, pretty typical, really. Hey, you can't expect to enter a workplace that is almost entirely female and not get a little resentment, right? I mean, it is very, very difficult to find a good elementary teaching position these days, so men must realize that we women are going to get mighted pissed off if they try to take jobs away from us. These guys need to stop whining and take it like the men that they are.


alomba1328! These guys should lighten up!

*although perhaps the NAMBLA membership took it a trifle too far...
This looks like Manbearpig Central!!


Yeah, I know, but we like, apologized for the NAMBLA thing, so he really should get over it.


"So she told her old school father with his old world beliefs that she didn't know who the father was because she felt that would be better than telling her parents that it was date-rape??? And she waited to tell the truth until 15 years later when she was in court where it would sound better than admitting that while still in school she had so many sexual partners that she had no idea who it could be???? "

It's relatively common for rape victims to feel shame for what happened to them. I can understand not wanting to tell anyone (and I'm a dude)


Regarding lying about the rape for 15 years:

I think the main reason why she lied was because she couldn't bear to have her son find out the circumstances of his conception. She would rather have him believe that she was a whore than to let him know that he was the son of a rapist.
