The movie was junk.
And not because there was no good acting in it... or the directing and screenwriting was crap either.
I understand that it wasn't a straight documentary, but most of the movie is false, made up or unsubstantiated.
It was just normal hazing. Dumping over port-a-potties?? *beep* we did that all the time in the Army. That is why I always took my bayonet with me. If one of those women took some mace or bear repellent in the jon or had it with her when she was "attacked"... it wouldn't happen again.
In real life most of the women did in fact join her... AFTER SHE WON and they wanted some of the prize money.
There was no rape by a male teacher with a teary confession by THE coworker that was causing most of the trouble and who just so happened to witness the rape in his youth. On the stand she claimed that it was date-rape. So she told her old school father with his old world beliefs that she didn't know who the father was because she felt that would be better than telling her parents that it was date-rape??? And she waited to tell the truth until 15 years later when she was in court where it would sound better than admitting that while still in school she had so many sexual partners that she had no idea who it could be????
The protagonists in the movie are women, the story was written by two women, it was directed by a woman.... I think that the men of the world should sue those women for sexual harassment, this whole movie is just one big make believe man hating session.
I'm sorry if the director and the two women that wrote the book are so fugly that they have to turn to other women for action... its not the fault of mankind. It doesn't give them cause to make up a bunch of garbage and throw the title "Based on a True Story" on it. How can they say "Based on a True Story"???? Okay what was true in the story? 1) There was a mining company, 2)There was a lawsuit, 3).... okay so there wasn't a number 3! There was only 2 truths in the story. Okay I'm exaggerating a little. But if you take the things that are true on one side.... and on the other put everything that was false, wrong, unsubstantiated or just plain made up..... the second side would outweigh the first at least 10-1.
All the he-women men haters out there... GET A LIFE.