Great Movie but...what's with Charlize's hair??
Ok, a 35 million dollar budget and they allow her hair to look like it did.
I'm not saying it wasn't appropriate, perhaps accurate for the time, the locale, etc...(the style) but did anyone else find it almost painful to watch Theron simply because her wig looked absolutely ridiculous? She is one beautiful woman, no doubt, but I'm really perplexed that they didn't have her just wear her own hair...was she doing another movie at the time? And even so, Nicole Kidman wore a wig in "Moulin Rouge" and hers didn't look half as bad. I understand this is a minor flaw to be critiquing, but with a budget like the movie had NOT TO MENTION THE FACT that this was a movie based on a true story, I found it soooooo annoying to watch the main character look 'FAKE'. For me, it almost took away from the movie. (Oh, and because there was a time when I was sick and wore a wig, I can spot one a mile away - it was a wig, most likely a human hair wig, but a wig nonetheless) Human hair wigs aren't cheap (some go upwards in the thousands, but for this part, it seemed stupid and very distracting) but certainly 35 million is WAY more than I had when I wore one....I'm really surprised at this seemingly minor thing, but have to say, it distracted my viewing experience!!!!