MovieChat Forums > North Country (2005) Discussion > Great Movie but...what's with Charlize's...

Great Movie but...what's with Charlize's hair??

Ok, a 35 million dollar budget and they allow her hair to look like it did.
I'm not saying it wasn't appropriate, perhaps accurate for the time, the locale, etc...(the style) but did anyone else find it almost painful to watch Theron simply because her wig looked absolutely ridiculous? She is one beautiful woman, no doubt, but I'm really perplexed that they didn't have her just wear her own hair...was she doing another movie at the time? And even so, Nicole Kidman wore a wig in "Moulin Rouge" and hers didn't look half as bad. I understand this is a minor flaw to be critiquing, but with a budget like the movie had NOT TO MENTION THE FACT that this was a movie based on a true story, I found it soooooo annoying to watch the main character look 'FAKE'. For me, it almost took away from the movie. (Oh, and because there was a time when I was sick and wore a wig, I can spot one a mile away - it was a wig, most likely a human hair wig, but a wig nonetheless) Human hair wigs aren't cheap (some go upwards in the thousands, but for this part, it seemed stupid and very distracting) but certainly 35 million is WAY more than I had when I wore one....I'm really surprised at this seemingly minor thing, but have to say, it distracted my viewing experience!!!!


I totally agree! It stuck out like a sore thumb!!!


stuck out so much I didnt know she had a wig on. :)

also I agree with the last poster the hairstyle was nice.


I don't's sad but there are still women out here in my neck 'o the woods rocking the cheesy mullet look like that, so it didn't seem so over the top to me. I mean, I could sorta tell it was a wig, but the style didn't seem so unusual to me.

This looks like Manbearpig Central!!


Perhaps Charlize had to wear the wig because she refused to allow her hair to be styled like that (who could blame her?)


lol...i totally agree - that hair was totally off?! it detractedfrom the movie!


Wasn't this set in 1989? Cheesy hair was pretty prevalent back then.


it wasn't cheesy back then :)

The patient's screaming disturbing me, performed removal of vocal chords. ~Zombie Holocaust


Bad layers! Bad hair day every day for Josie. :-(


it was supposed to be in 1989, hair styles were pretty cheesy looking back then.


yeah in this is the midwest in the 80s setting you have to remember that. Those ladies had some bad and cheesy ass hair dos. Did you see Frances McDormand's wig in Fargo too?


It was the 1980's, leave her alone! :P

It was stylish back then to have your hair looking terrible like that. Charlize still looked gorgeous regardless. :]

"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night!"


I think this was filmed at the same time as Aeon Flux, so her real hair was short & jet black. Couldn't use that, could they?


Really? Are you people serious? You’re actually complaining about her hair in the movie?
*rolls eyes*



Honestly, who gives a sh**?


lol. her hair (at the court) was a big strange - but i think you have to take into account the times that the story was set in. maybe then that kind of hair style was popular.


I kind of like that she's trying out different looks for different movies.

"a tulawin"


Same here: the hair was horribly done. I think it is supposed to look a little trashy as well as 'late 80s mullet-ish". They definitely wanted to de-glorify Charleze Theron (once again), but the hair looks thin and fake (as opposed to the great looking hair of the actress who played younger Josey), especially because Theron plays Josey as a nice and somehow a little fragile person - rather unlike the shrill and trashy people around her. I do give a s*** because this is the main character we are talking about and when Charlize is on screen one usually does notice her. Definitely a bad hair day, er, year....


for the role

"Peace and love"


uhhh, I had to give props to the costume staff - her character is supposed to show a woman who survived off her looks and now is realizing that looks wont last and men wont take care of her ... plus the movie takes place in the 80s in montana or one of those northern plains states with a poor woman who was a pretty girl in her younger years - not in the 90s in manhattan with a lady in her prime ... theron is a perfect 10 in my book so making her look better - that would be distracting as she can look good bald and scratching herself


For some reason, i love that hair style.

Nobody is prettier than Emma Watson.


She was suppose to look like a struggling mom working a man's job not a Hollywood starlet for the movie. The only time I've seen her look messed up was in Monsters and with the role, was suppose to look like that. If she only looked like a glam-our Hollywood starlet for movies, she would not be playing all the character roles she does.


What a bunch of ninnies you all must be! Who the hell cares what her hair looked like! Get your noses out of your endless subscriptions to beauty magazines and get lives, you aimless tarts.
