Worst Scene was.....

When Josey's dad got up and made that half hearted attempt to get at the Teacher in the courtroom. If that had been my daughter, the baliffs would have had to pull me off of the guy while he is laying in a pool of blood on the floor. That weak lunge by the father seemed more like for show.

"Fuggedabout Joe the Plumber, what about Don the Jeweler?".


Yeah, it did seem more for show but at the same time, daddy wasn't exactly buffed up. The accused would have whooped his ass.


It had nothing to do with who is more "buff" than the other. The father was reacting from outrage over the man who raped his daughter. These types of outbursts happen occasionally in courtrooms, and the attackers aren't sizing up their opponent's physique before they lunge.


yeah I understand that. It was more of an outrage thing. I got it. I just think that the way it was portrayed in the film seemed kind of forced and not natural. Maybe it was the acting of the person playing the father I don't know.


I thought you were going to say the semen in the locker scene.

The war is not meant to be won... it is meant to be continuous.



