Not like that anymore

I lived in the town north country was set in. Now, women work in the mines and no man blinks an eye. Thanks to Lois and the rest, I'm guessing.

I spoke once with a woman miner who was working (at another mine I think) during the Jenson time. She said North Country doesn't even scratch the surface of what women miners were subjected to. It was really bad.

If it weren't for Jensen, etc, and their lawsuit who knows what it would still be like there?

The book and movie are still controversial there. Some people still defend the guys involved the story and have nasty stories to tell about Lois being not so innocent. But most are just p.o.'d about how the area was portrayed or even just about little errors in the film.

In the end, I don't know what is or isn't true. I heard from people from both sides of the whole thing. The only thing I do know is that, from my experience, 'salt of the earth' describes most who live there today.

"I gotta fever and the only prescription is more cow bell."
