PMR Quotes

I like Xzibit's lines whenever he brings a wreck to West Coast garage.

- "I came to see a man about a horse." (Mary's Ford Mustang)

- "Love is a wonderful thing. As Michael Bolton said it." (Neil's Chevy Luv truck)

- "Riddle me this, riddle me that. We don't know what the hell this is." (Ezra's Nissan Maxima SW)

- "Somebody get me some Raid! Coz this bug needs to be killed." (Crissy's Baja Bug)

- (arrives at WCC with no car) "What's wrong with this picture? The *beep* broke down on me, let's go get the *beep* before the poe-lice come."

Bonus funny quotes:

Krissy: "Don't you think it gives it personality?" (referring to the Baja Bug's exhaust pipe)
Xzibit: "Yeah, it curves to the right like I do."
