MovieChat Forums > Catch and Release (2007) Discussion > song during make out scene

song during make out scene

what song plays when gray get in bed w/ fritz and they make out? is it on the soundtrack?



That's the song but he never goes to her...she goes to him in his bed in the living room in the middle of the night and they start to have sex and Sam comes down to raid the refrigerator and interrupts them so she sneaks away back to her room. That song "What if" is playing. She initiated the first kiss in the fly fishing shop, too.



I thought he was a total hottie in this movie and he and Garner have awesome screen presence and chemistry. My favorite part? Hmm...that's a tough one but I think I love that ending the best and I love that song playing (Soul Meets Body) when Gray is driving to Malibu. I do love the scene when she comes to him in the middle of the night. I also love when Sam and Dennis are fighting over the planer when Dennis, in his complete frustration after seeing Gray and Fritz together the night before, shaves the heck out of the front door. I also like pretty much all of the scenes with Kevin Smith in them and how he calls everyone 'sir'...he's actually pretty funny, especially when they are trying to guess all the Celestial Seasonings sayings. I just really love this movie. And the movie "The Holiday" which is actually my #1 top fave romantic comedy of all time. What's yours?



I never thought that he would wind up with another woman...he seemed genuine and sincere with Gray and like she said to him 'you are not who I thought you were' and my immediate impression was he was flat-out in love with her. One of my favorite lines in the movie is when she says to him "What's your favorite color" and he says (and I love the way he says it): "Gray"

A lot of people seem to hate this film, but whatever. I don't care what other people think about it. I love it and that's all that matters to me. I can tell you love it, too. I don't listen to critics or reviews anyway because 9 times out of 10, I hate whatever movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture, so what do I know, right? LOL


Love this film for all the same reasons!



Have you seen Elizabethtown? How about Chocolat?



That scene with him on the ski-skates is the cops have to bring him back home and all. And next time you watch it, focus in on some of the faces of the other characters in the background during certain scenes, like when Maureen is telling Gray after she eats the nuts that her color is coming back in her cheeks and her aura is changing...check out Fritz's expressions. He's really an adorable, likable character.

So here's a list of my other favorites:

The Holiday (my #1 all-time favorite, I absolutely LOVE this movie)
Just Like Heaven
13 Going on 30
No Reservations
Notting Hill
Two Weeks Notice
Music and Lyrics
4 Weddings and a Funeral
Love Actually (yes, I am a huge Hugh Grant fan, can you tell? LOL)
While You Were Sleeping (Sandra Bullock fan, too!)
Kate and Leopold
Jerry Maguire
For Love of the Game (an awesome Kevin Costner baseball flick
Failure to Launch
Return To Me
The Notebook
When Harry Met Sally
Chocolat (that IS a great movie!)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head but check them out sometime! What are some others you like?

Untamed heart, is that the one with Christian Slater and Marisa Tomei and he has the bum ticker? I haven't seen that one in a really long time but it is very good, I forgot about that one. A tear-jerker, for sure! I think I'll add that to my Netflix queue and watch it! =D

