Line goof?

I might be crazy, but in the scene where Grey is painting Grady's room and Fritz is explaining the Maureen situation to her, I think she goofs a line. Fritz says, "You have blue paint in your hair." Her response is, "It's not blue. It's meercash(?) mystery." I don't know of any descriptive word that sounds like 'meercash.' I think the line was supposed to be 'Cashmere Mystery.' Am I hearing this correctly? I really like this movie and that line bugs me every time!


Marrakesh is a city in Morocco


This is true. but she didn't say Marrakesh, she said "meeeeer-cash." And 'Cashmere Mystery' is a real paint color from Behr...

"Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it." -Blow


I just watched it, I heard Marrakesh pretty clearly.

... this is a maid speaking by the way


I just watched it, and understood her saying "Marrakesh" clearly enough that I understood it and didn't wonder what she had said.


She said: It's Marrakech Mystery.
Which is a true color. It comes from the "Blue People" tribe. They were a nomad tribe that founded Marrakech, Morocco.
Mystery solved.... No pun intended!


I always heard Marrakech Mystery. Watching it now with the captions on she indeed says Marrakech Mystery.
