The car accident in Series 2, Ep 4
Near the end of Episode 4, Series 2, a black woman stumbles out into the street and is hit by a speeding car.
IT LOOKED AWFUL! I mean, you can see the car didn't hit her, and they've just dubbed sound effects over it. I want to cry everytime I see that part. Anyone else concur here?
I'm at a loss with this series. The whole thing is absolute garbage and grossly unfunny. I have no idea what on Earth makes these people think they're funny... and I adored the first series. Just goes to show, doesn't it; less is more.
I feel sorry for poor Angus Deayton as well; they've really not got his act down, have they? You hire Deayton for his comic wit, deadpan timing and razor sharp deliveries - you don't get him to play a beardy weirdy who says nothing and has bad sex scenes.
I just want to cry. Ughhhh.