Let's think...

As much as I love Nighty Night, I know series one towers above series two. There were quite a few frustrating little loose ends. Maybe I've just overlooked them but:

1. Where is Terry?! He regained conciousness at the end of the first series and we saw that Linda (LINDER!) was face down. It didn't look too promising, did it?

2. What the hell was happening at the end of the second series?! A trampoline jump, Sue dead, Don vegetabilized and Cath getting carted off to jail?! Que?!

3. Was it just me or did they say that the new vicar (Sue's bf) was taken to jail after an incident?

Someone help me here. I felt as though I had missed out an episode when I watched the finalé but no! Very strange!



1) Terry is dead.
Its stated in episode 1 of the second series that Glen is in the mental home for killing him. Yes he was alive at the end of series 1 but Jill must have gone back and finished the job after the nanachocoscotch incident :(

2)The end was just wrapping things up as quickly as possible.
It was a rushed ending. The trampoline WAS on the beach anyway, by a stroke of luck for Jill. Sue died for the 'shock value' that the whole series had going on. It is a bit far fetched that Don got 'vegetablised' just by jill landing on him, but then the whole second series was far fetched ;)
Cath was carted off to jail atleast for the attempted murder of Jill. Many witnesses would have seen her 'push' Jill off the cliff, and she sure had the motiv for it. Killing Sue wouldn't have helped her either ;)

3) Vicar Arno was written out very suddenly for an 'incident' we knew nothing about. Probably relating to one of the MANY deleted scenes, but possibley he could have been the one who knocked over Floella Umbegabi in the hit and run leaving her for dead on the roof of the caravan.



It actually says it when Jill makes Glen confess to the murder of a man he didn't even know, Terry Tyrell. During their wedding. She kept shouting "killer".


didnt glen die. after the angel delight ( which i thought that was one of the funnyist deaths ive seen in a long time.
